############################################################################### # error/exception messages for wsrp4j # # Remember ranges: # # 1000 - 1999 common messages # 2000 - 2999 producer messages # 3000 - 3999 provider messages # # 6000 - 6999 consumer messages # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # common messages 1000-1999 ############################################################################### 1000=Could not store object to persistent file. 1001=Could not restore object from persistent file. 1002=Could not delete object from persistent store. 1003=Error during CASTOR unmarshal operation. 1004 Error during CASTOR marshal operation. 1100=Policy has denied access. This may be related to the consumer's registration. 1101=Consumer supplies a portletHandle that is not scoped by the supplied registrationHandle. 1102=Consumer supplies a registrationHandle/registrationState pair that is not recognized by the Producer. 1103=The Producer environment has timed out. The Consumer needs to invoke initCookie() again. 1104=The Consumer supplies an invalid Handle. 1105=The Producer session has timed out. The Consumer needs to invoke resend data that may have been cached in the session. 1106=The specified UserCategory is not supported. 1107=A required parameter is missing. 1108=Normal execution of the operation failed. 1109=A portlet needs to modify its persistent state, but has been prevented from doing so. 1110=The portlet does not support generating markup for the requested locale. 1111=The portlet does not support generating markup for the requested markupType. 1112=The portlet does not support generating markup for the requested mode. 1113=The portlet does not support generating markup for the requested window state. ############################################################################### # producer messages 2000-2999 ############################################################################### 2000=Producer error. 2001=Provider-factory not found. 2002=File "WSRPServices.properties" not found. 2003=ConsumerRegistry-factory not found. 2004=Persistent-factory not found. ############################################################################### # provider messages 3000-3999 ############################################################################### # Description Handler 3000=Failed to save the ServiceDescription to persistent store. 3001=Failed to load the ServiceDescription from persistent store. 3002=The portlet does not support a default locale. 3003=The portlet does not support a default language. 3004=No EntityDescriptions found. 3005=Internal error. No PortletDefinition found for the requested portlet handle in the PortletEntity. 3006=PortletEntity in the PortletEntityRegistry not found. Check the portlet handle. # Portlet Pool 3020=Could not find portlet with the given portlet handle. # URL-Composer 3040=URL-Template provided by the consumer contains an unknown replace-token. 3041=URL-Template provided by the consumer is syntactically incorrect. ############################################################################### # consumer messages 6000-6999 ############################################################################### 6000=The consumer property file could not be found. 6001=The consumer environment could not be instantiated. 6002=Request parameter could not be added. 6003=Producer does not expose service description port. 6004=Unable to initialize service description port. 6005=Malformed URL of the producer's service description port. 6006=Unable to initialize registration port. 6007=Malformed URL of the producer's registration port. 6008=Found invalid link in markup. 6009=No valid wsrp-urlType parameter found. 6010=Producer does not offer a portlet with the given handle. 6011=Producer didn't provide a valid service description. 6012=Couldn't follow the redirect requested from the producer. 6013=A producer with this ID does not exists. Check configuration file.