# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License To run the Pluto Portal Driver deployed in Tomcat 5.5.20: 1. Unzip the binary distribution into a directory. a. will be the pluto-1.1.0 subdirectory. 2. Execute startup.bat (Windows) or startup.sh (Unix) in /bin. a. Use shutdown.bat/shutdown.sh to stop the portal 3. Browse to http://localhost:8080/pluto/portal 4. Login as tomcat user (password=tomcat). For information on deploying portlets, building the portal from source and for the most up to date documentation please go to: http://portals.apache.org/pluto Release Notes - Pluto - Version 1.1.0 ===================================== ** Bug * [PLUTO-122] - Portlet Preferences need to be user specific * [PLUTO-166] - Creation of PreferencesValidator breaks the portlet spec. * [PLUTO-177] - [1.1] Multiple failures in Testsuite Resource Bundle Test * [PLUTO-188] - [1.1] Four failures in the testsuite's Simple Preference Test * [PLUTO-189] - [1.1] Three failures in the testsuite's Resource Bundle Test on Test Portlet #1 * [PLUTO-190] - [1.1] Two problems in the testsuite's Security Mapping Test * [PLUTO-191] - Dynamic Inclusion of dependencies in Maven Plugin * [PLUTO-192] - ActionRequest.isPortletModeAllowed Fails * [PLUTO-193] - ActionRequest.GetParameterMap * [PLUTO-194] - ActionResponse.SetPortletMode IllegalStateException not thrown * [PLUTO-197] - ActionRequest.GetParameterMap * [PLUTO-198] - ActionRequest.GetPreferences NullPointerException * [PLUTO-199] - ActionResponse.setRenderParameter * [PLUTO-200] - Missing Resource Exception from PortletConfig.getResourceBundle * [PLUTO-205] - PortletPreferences.store() does not throw IllegalStateException when called within render() * [PLUTO-207] - Request did not return correct query string when dispatched * [PLUTO-208] - Render parameters are lost when dispatching request * [PLUTO-209] - RenderResponse: getWriter() and getPortletOutputStream() should have thrown IllegalStateException if content-type is not set * [PLUTO-210] - Default preference value not returned correctly * [PLUTO-213] - PortletSession not invalidated after max inactive interval. * [PLUTO-220] - flush causing problem in doEndTag() in BasicURLTag.java * [PLUTO-232] - Maximize window state does not work properly * [PLUTO-233] - Exception thrown if edit or help mode is not supported by portlet * [PLUTO-234] - Session Timeout Test in testsuite fails * [PLUTO-239] - Missing error message key in properties file results in an ambiquous log entry * [PLUTO-242] - Portlet session is invalidated when maxInactiveInterval < 0 * [PLUTO-243] - PortalURLParser drops '/' characters when building render path * [PLUTO-245] - Parsing of portlet.xml strips space from init-param values * [PLUTO-246] - PortalURLParser should URLEncode query string parameters * [PLUTO-248] - PortalUrlParser should encode '#' character * [PLUTO-251] - Pluto fails when navigating between pages using the drop-downs * [PLUTO-254] - NPE in PortalDriverServlet when requesting a resource that doesn't exist * [PLUTO-257] - Pluto 1.1 plugin for the deployment of custom portlets does not work * [PLUTO-258] - Custom WindowStates and PortletModes do not work with tag library (in Pluto 1.1) * [PLUTO-261] - PortalServletRequest makes a redundant check * [PLUTO-264] - pluto-portal-driver-config.xml does not validate against pluto-portal-driver-config.xsd * [PLUTO-270] - Dot in context path or portlet name causes NPE in Pluto driver * [PLUTO-275] - Implement Window Ids to allow same instance of one portlet on a page. * [PLUTO-280] - Fix License/Header Problems * [PLUTO-281] - NPE thrown when trying to add a hot deployed portlet to a Pluto page * [PLUTO-282] - Runtime exception encountered in binary distribution when hot-deploying portlets * [PLUTO-288] - PortletRequestImpl.getContextPath() returns wrong value for root context * [PLUTO-296] - PortletAPPDD should provide version attribute from descriptor * [PLUTO-297] - PortletRegistryService access to all application IDs * [PLUTO-298] - Enable PortletEnvironmentService for request/response instantiation * [PLUTO-299] - Support alternate buffering support (as in 1.0.1) * [PLUTO-303] - POM Staging Repository * [PLUTO-304] - SecurityConstraintDD.displayNames should not default to null ** Improvement * [PLUTO-151] - New class hierarchy to implement portlet request and response, and resolve the dispatching parameters problem. * [PLUTO-195] - Validate Container Startup / init before servicing requests * [PLUTO-211] - Too many methods overwritten in RenderRequestImpl * [PLUTO-212] - Merge methods in RenderRequestImpl and PortletContextImpl * [PLUTO-247] - PortalURLParser: Avoid putting '?' and '&' characters in query string if unnecessary * [PLUTO-253] - [1.1] Upgrade binary distribution build to use a recent version of Tomcat * [PLUTO-255] - Seperate portal-driver into portal-driver-api and portal-driver-impl * [PLUTO-256] - add getPortletApplicationDescriptor(String) to PortletContainer interface * [PLUTO-259] - Automate new version numbers for new releases * [PLUTO-269] - Make PortletInvoker a public class * [PLUTO-279] - Include jars for Pluto ant task in binary distribution * [PLUTO-286] - Update library versions * [PLUTO-301] - Administrative lifcycle hooks in portlet servlet ** New Feature * [PLUTO-182] - [1.1] Add assembly plugin to create distributions * [PLUTO-214] - Add logout link to portal page. * [PLUTO-252] - Custom Tags with response.encodeUrl( url ) and Render hidden portlet mode. * [PLUTO-268] - Ability to configure portlet dispatch servlet in maven-pluto-plugin * [PLUTO-273] - Remove Portlets From Pages * [PLUTO-291] - Add UserAttributes, PortletModes & WindowStates to PortletAppDD * [PLUTO-292] - Create PortletInfo callback service * [PLUTO-293] - I18n support for portlet.xml elements * [PLUTO-300] - PortletDD needs the following information from the portlet.xml added ** Task * [PLUTO-217] - [1.1] Script to package binary release * [PLUTO-218] - [1.1] Script to package source release * [PLUTO-306] - Update license headers for release ** Wish * [PLUTO-236] - Removal of log4j + logging configuration from web apps