------ Embedding the Pluto Container ------ David H. DeWolf ------ 03 Nov 2005 ------ Embedding the Pluto Container This document is currently *very* breif. Please feel free to submit patches. * Steps for Embedding Pluto * Implement org.apache.pluto.PortletContainerServices * Manage the Portlet Container Lifecycle * Create an instance of the container --------------------------- // // Step 1) Create and instance of the PortletContainerService // PortletContainerServices impl = . . . // // Step 2) Request a new container from the container factory // PortletContainerFactory factory = PortletContainerFactory.getInstance(); PortletContainer container = factory.createContainer( "My Container Name", impl ); // // Step 3) Initialize the Container with the embedding // application's ServletContext // container.init(ctx); -------------------------- * Destroy the Container during Shutdown * Invoke the Container as necessary -------------------------- // Load a portlet container.doLoad(portletWindow, request, response); // Process a Portlet Action container.doAction(portletWindow, request, response); // Render a portlet container.doRender(portletWindow, request, response); --------------------------