0. Vote on the Final Release before doing anything !!!!! 1. update project.xml and etc/project-dependencies/*.xml in all projects to 2.x 2. delete old versions of jars from shared/lib 3. checkout to a clean directory 4. build with tests on all db platforms (hsql, mysql, oracle...) 5. test running app in Tomcat 6. build with Derby maven -o allClean allBuild maven -o quickStart 7. build the 2 installers (see instructions under installer2 directory) creating the 2 distributable installers 8. create the README for the specific version, see docs/release/JETSPEED-README-*.txt 9. tag the release from Eclipse or command line using tag format: JETSPEED-RELEASE-2-X 10. get a clean checkout, don't build anything 12. Sign the distributions and source distribution dir == /www/www.apache.org/dist/portals/jetspeed-2/ a. Download the KEYS from the distribution directory b. Export your public key gpg --list-sigs >> KEYS gpg --armor --export ) >> KEYS b. Add the contents of th KEYS to your public ring gpg --import KEYS c. Generate the .asc files using: gpg -sab Jetspeed2.0-derby-install.jar gpg -sab Jetspeed2.0-MultiDB-install.jar gpg -sab jetspeed-2.X-src.zip gpg -sab jetspeed-2.X-src.tar.gz d. Generate the .md5 hashes: openssl md5 < Jetspeed2.0-derby-install.jar > Jetspeed2.0-derby-install.jar.md5 openssl md5 < Jetspeed2.0-MultiDB-install.jar > Jetspeed2.0-MultiDB-install.jar.md5 openssl md5 < jetspeed-2.0-M1-src.zip > jetspeed-2.0-M1-src.zip.md5 openssl md5 < jetspeed-2.0-M1-src.tar.gz > jetspeed-2.0-M1-src.tar.gz.md5 e. upload the files to the distributions directory (BINARY, SOURCE) 14. Create Symbolic Links to Current 15. scp the jars to the remote repo /www/cvs.apache.org/repository/org.apache.portals.jetspeed-2 16. Write and post release announcements to mailing lists: (see JETSPEED-2.0.ANNOUNCEMENT.txt) * jetspeed-dev@portals.apache.org * jetspeed-user@portals.apache.org * general@portals.apache.org * announce@apache.org 17. Update the news page http://portals.apache.org/news.html