-------------------------- Jetspeed 2.0-M2 Release April 2, 2005 -------------------------- * PALM - Portlet Application Lifecycle Manager A new administrative portlet for managing the lifecycle of portlet applications Supports start, stop, undeploy and delete operations * JBoss Support Jetspeed tested and running on JBoss versions 3.2.7 and 4.0.1sp1 * New Improved Deployment Deployment overhauled to support application server controlled deployment. Class loader and cross-context session control issues resolved. * Struts Bridge Enhancements * Navigations Refactoring * Enhanced credential security and validation, Login/Password Enhancements * LDAP Authentication support added. * Secure Access to Site Resources (Pages, Folders) * Profiler, Layout, PSML Security Documentation * SSO Enhancements * Improved JSF Support * Finer grain Spring configuration * Main Jetspeed context no longer requires /jetspeed ----------- Bug fixes ----------- see M2-bugfixes.html --------------------- Tested App Servers: --------------------- * Tomcat 5.0.30 * Tomcat 5.5.8 * JBoss 3.2.7 * JBoss 4.0.1sp1 (Tomcat 5.5 requires a different jetspeed.xml found in the source tree under src/resources/jetspeed-tomcat-5.5.xml) Check out our wiki page for details: http://wiki.apache.org/portals/Jetspeed2 --------------------- NO Longer Supported: --------------------- * Tomcat 4.1.x Support for Tomcat 4.1.x has been dropped. --------------------------- Installation Instructions --------------------------- 1. Download jetspeed-2.0-M2-Tomcat-5.0.30.tar.gz, or Download jetspeed-2.0-M2-Tomcat-5.0.30.zip (windows), or Download jetspeed-2.0-M2-Tomcat-5.5.8.tar.gz, or Download jetspeed-2.0-M2-Tomcat-5.5.8.zip (windows) 2. Expand jetspeed-2.0-M2-Tomcat-.tar.gz into a clean directory (as example we will use 'jetspeed') cd /jetspeed tar xfz jetspeed-2.0-M2-Tomcat-.tar.gz For Windows: cd c:\jetspeed unzip jetspeed-2.0-M2-Tomcat-.zip 3. start the database cd /jetspeed/jetspeed-database start-database.sh For Windows: cd c:\jetspeed\jetspeed-database start-database.bat 4. startup Tomcat execute /jetspeed/jakarta-tomcat-/bin/startup.sh For Windows: execute c:\jetspeed\jakarta-tomcat-\bin\startup.bat 5. start up a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/portal ------------------------------ Configuring Another Database ------------------------------ 1. cd $TOMCAT_HOME/jetspeed-database/scripts 2. edit the build.properties, set the properties for your database connection, save. 3. create a database schema/catalog to hold your database tables 4. type 'ant' to run the database population scripts 5. edit the jetspeed.xml properties - $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/jetspeed.xml and set your database connection 6. copy your database driver into Tomcat's common/endorsed directory 7. start up a web browser, navigate to http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/portal Sample accounts to login as: admin/admin manager/manager user/user