SSO IFrame Demo Help

To use the SSO IFrame Demo with URL-based authentication, you will need to enter the following SSO
URL preferences for the URL parameter names (principal, credential) to work with the /demo/sso-demo site:

sso.url.Principal sso.url.Crendential
sso-principal sso-credential

To use the SSO IFrame Demo with URL-based authentication, you will need to enter the following SSO
Principal and Credential for the /demo/sso-demo site as the demo will take the authenticated principal
currently logged in as the SSO Principal, and *always* require the SSO Credential listed below
If a user is not authenticated, you must supply the SSO Principal name 'guest'.

IGNORE ABOVE for now !!! Just enter the credentials shown below for now ... having a problem with Tomcat 5

SSO Principal SSO Credential
007 secret-password