Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. API changes =========== (- == removed; + == added; X == changed) since 0.6.3: ------------ changed Javadocs since 0.6.2: ------------ changed Javadocs PortletRequest - getPreviousPortletMode - getPreviousWindowState PortletSession x getId: - IllegalStateException since 0.6.1: ------------ changed Javadocs PortletResponse - encodeNamespace RenderResponse + encodeNamespace since 0.6.0: ------------ RenderResponse - encodeNamespace x getOutputStream -> getPortletOutputStream PortletResponse + encodeNamespace since 0.5.9: ------------ changed Javadocs RenderResponse + EXPIRATION_CACHE since 0.5.8: ------------ changed Javadocs PortletURL + setParameters(Map parameters) all Parameter methods throw IllegalArgumentException for null values as name or value alll Attribute, Property methods throw IllegalArgumentException for null values as name since 0.5.7: ------------ changed Javadocs ActionResponse x setPortletMode, added java.lang.IllegalStateException x setWindowState, added java.lang.IllegalStateException x Request -> PortletRequest + PortletResponse since 0.5.6: ------------ changed Javadocs GenericPortlet x getTitle now protected x doDispatch now protected - doCustomMode PortletPreferences x store, added UnsupportedOperation exception RenderRequest - String getScheme() - String getServerName() - int getServerPort() Request + String getScheme() + String getServerName() + int getServerPort() since 0.5.5: ------------ changed Javadocs - PortletRequest (split into Request, ActionRequest, RenderRequest) + Request + PortletMode getPreviousPortletMode + WindowState getPreviousWindowState + ActionRequest + RenderRequest + String getScheme() + String getServerName() + int getServerPort() GenericPortlet + doDispatch(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) RenderResponse - setCacheExpiration + void reset() + boolean isCommitted() + void resetBuffer() + flushBuffer() + int getBufferSize() + void setBufferSize(int size) + OutputStream getOutputStream() since 0.5.4: ------------ changed Javadocs GenericPortlet: + init() ActionResponse: + encodeURL PortletURL: + setSecure(boolean) since 0.5.3: ------------ changed Javadocs PortletPreferences: - isArray x get -> getValue x getArray -> getValues x set -> setValue x setArray -> setValues PortletSession: + Object getAttribute(String) + void removeAttribute(String) + void setAttribute(String, Object) since 0.5.2: ------------ changed Javadocs since 0.5.1: ------------ changed Javadocs PortalContext: x Object getProperty(String) -> String getProperty since 0.5: ------------ changed Javadocs since 0.4.8: ------------ changed Javadocs replaced Iterator with Enumeration ValidatorException: x Set replaced with Collection since 0.4.7: ------------ changed javadocs xRequestDispatcher -> PortletRequestDispatcher PortletRequest x getInputStream -> getPortletInputStream since 0.4.6: ------------ changed javadocs since 0.4.5: ------------ xPortletResponse -> RenderResponse xNonModifiableException -> UnmodifiableException ActionResponse x getRenderParameter -> setRenderParameter RenderRepsone - TITLE PortletURL x addParameter -> setParameter ValidatorException x VadatorException: added Set failedKeys + Set getFailedKeys since 0.4.4: ------------ re-wording of a lot of javadoc comments PortletPreferences - MAX_KEY_LENGTH X remove -> reset - reset + NonModifiableException PortletRequest x getHeader -> getProperty x getHeaders -> Iterator getProperties(String) x getHeaderNames -> getPropertyNames + getRequestedSessionId + isRequestedSessionIdValid ActionResponse + void setProperty(String,String) - addPoperty(String, String[]) PortletResponse + void setProperty(String,String) - addPoperty(String, String[]) - setTitleBarResources - setShortTitle - SHORT_TITLE GenericPortlet x doTitle(req, resp) -> String getTitle(req) since 0.4.3: ------------ ActionResponse + void addRenderParameter(String,String[]) - AttributeDescriptor - CacheException GenericPortlet - isCacheValid PortalContext X Iterator getSupportedPortletModes() X Iterator getSupportedWindowStates() PortletContext X Iterator getAttributeNames() X Iterator getInitParameterNames() PortletPreferences - getPreferencesDescriptor - modifiableKeys X Iterator getNames X store throws ValidatorException PortletRequest X Iterator getAttributeNames + void setCharacterEncoding(String) X Iterator getParameterNames X Iterator getResponseContentTypes - getValidationKey PortletResponse + getLocale - setValidationKey - setuseCachedContent + addProperty(String, String[]) X setProperty -> addProperty PortletSession X Iterator getAttributeNames *PortletURL +void addParameter(String,String[]) -PreferencesDescriptor PreferencesValidator X void validate(PortletPreferences) throws ValidatorException +ValidatorException since 0.4.2: ------------ PortletPreferences: - modifableKeys()