The best way to build the jetspeed installer is via maven (see below). MAVEN BUILD: If you are using the maven plugin, there are three tasks defined which help out: j2:buildDerbyInstaller j2:buildMultiInstaller j2:cleanInstaller Run these from the top level of the jetspeed project. Make sure that you've done a build in both the bridges and jetspeed2 projects. The installer pulls the bridges war files from the local repo. INSTALL: The installer is run on the target machine by typing java -jar Jetspeed2.0-MultiDB-install.jar or java -jar Jetspeed2.0-derby-install.jar depending on which installer you've created. For the Multi-DB installer you will need to supply a username a password a JDBC connection string a JDBC driver name the location of a valid JDBC driver. The installer will copy this to the installed location. Finally the database must be empty because the installer does not know how to drop tables.