-------------------------- Jetspeed 2.0 Release December 8, 2005 -------------------------- The Apache Portals Jetspeed Team is pleased to announce the final release of the Jetspeed-2 Open Source Enterprise Portal. This final release is fully-compliant with the Portlet Specification 1.0 (JSR-168). Jetspeed-2 has passed the TCK (Test Compatibility Kit) suite and is fully CERTIFIED to the Java Portlet Standard. Features of the Final Release Include: Standardized: * Fully compliant with Java Portlet API Standard 1.0 (JSR 168) * Passed JSR-168 TCK Compatibility Test Suite * J2EE Security based on JAAS Standard, JAAS DB Portal Security Policy * LDAP Support for User Authentication Foundation Component Architecture: * Spring-based Components and Scalable Architecture * Configurable Pipeline Request Processor * Auto Deployment of Portlet Applications * Jetspeed Component Java API * Jetspeed AJAX XML API * PSML: Extended Portlet Site Markup Language - Database Persistent - Content Management Facilities - Security Constraints Portal Core Features: * Declarative Security Constraints and JAAS Database Security Policy * Runtime Portlet API Standard Role-based Security * Portal Content Management and Navigations: Pages, Menus, Folders, Links * Multithreaded Aggregation Engine * PSML Folder CMS Navigations, Menus, Links * Jetspeed SSO (Single Sign-on) * Rules-based Profiler for page and resource location * Integrates with most popular databases including - Derby, MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle, Postgres, DB2 * Client independent capability engine (HTML, XHTML, WML, VML) * Internationalization: Localized Portal Resources in 12 Languages * Statistics Logging Engine * Portlet Registry * Full Text Search of Portlet Resources with Lucene * User Registration * Forgotten Password * Rich Login and Password Configuration Management Administrative Portlets: * User, Role, Group, Password, and Profile Management * JSR 168 Generic User Attributes Editor - JSR 168 Preferences Editor - Site Manager - SSO Manager - Portlet Application and Lifecycle Management - Profiler Administration - Statistics Reports Web Framework Support and Sample Portlets: * Bridges to other Web Frameworks - JSF, Struts, PHP, Perl, Velocity * Sample Portlets - RSS, IFrame, Calendar XSLT, Bookmark, Database Browser - Integration with Display Tags, Spring MVC Customization Features: * Administrative Site Manager * Page Customizer Portal Design Features: * Deployment Jetspeed Portlet and Page Skins (Decorators) CSS Components * Configurable CSS Page Layouts * Easy to Use Velocity Macro Language for Skin and Layout Components Development Tools * Automated Maven Build * Jetspeed-2 Maven Plugin for Custom Portal Development * AutoDeployment of Portlet Applications, Portal Resources * Deployment Tools * Plugin Goals integrated with Auto Deployment Feature Application Servers Supported: * Tomcat 5.0.x * Tomcat 5.5.x * Websphere 5.1, 6.0 * JBoss The release is available for download from the Apache Download Mirrors: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Installation Requirements --------------------------- 1. JVM 1.4.2_04 or greater 2. 256 MB of Disk Space 3. 512 MB of Memory --------------------------- Installation Instructions --------------------------- 1. For an installation with a built-ready-to-run-Derby database, download: Jetspeed2.0-derby-install.jar For an installation allowing you to choose your database, download: Jetspeed2.0-MultiDb-install.jar 2. Run the installer java -jar Jetspeed2.0-derby-install.jar -- or -- java -jar Jetspeed2.0-MultiDb-install.jar The installer will operate in both graphical and headless-commandline mode. You may choose the location of the install. 3. startup Tomcat execute /usr/local/ApacheJetspeed2.0/bin/startup.sh For Windows: execute c:\Program Files\Apache Jetspeed 2.0\bin\startup.bat 4. The very first invocation of the portal requires approximately one minute for initial startup and final installation. Please wait one minute, and then start up a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/portal 5. Login Sample accounts to login as: admin/admin manager/manager user/user --------------------------- Release Notes --------------------------- 1. RSS Portlet requires xalan-2.4.1.jar in common/lib of Tomcat If you are running Java 1.5, you will need to copy the xalan-2.3.jar there from your jetspeed/WEB-INF/lib directory. 2. The User Registration and Forgotten Password Portlets require an SMTP server to function. The default settings are configured to a mail server on localhost with no username or password. To change these settings, edit the Spring configuration for the mailSender component, located in the jetspeed/WEB-INF/assembly/administration.xml file.