---------------- GETTING STARTED ---------------- Requirements ------------- 1. Ant 1.5 or higher 2. Maven 0.8 or higher Maven Beta 9 Note: Delete all of these lines from the jar creation section 3. Java 1.3 or higher 4. Servlet 2.3 Tomcat 4.1.18-LE w/JDK 1.4 Tomcat 4.1.24 w/ JDK 1.3 5. Define the following in the user's build.properties catalina.shared.lib = ${CATALINA_HOME}/shared/lib/ deploy.war.dir = ${CATALINA_BASE}/webapps/ 6. Edit ${CATALINA_BASE}/conf/server.xml, add this line: (this only needs to be done once) 7. Maven will download all necessary jars into it's repository as needed. However, there are 2 jars that are not available via maven. JTA 1.0.1 B - This can be downloaded from http://java.sun.com/products/jta. Install the zip file into ${MAVEN_HOME}/repository/jta/jars as jta1.0.1.jar JDBC 2.0 SE - This can be downloaded from http://java.sun.com/products/jdbc/download.html. Choose the JDBC(TM) 2.0 Optional Package. Install the jar file into ${MAVEN_HOME}/repository/jdbc-se/jars as jdbc-se2.0.jar --------------------------------------------- Building - instructions as of May 26, 2003 --------------------------------------------- 1a. Build all jars and wars: cd {$jetspeed-2-home} maven allBuild 1b Build all jars and wars in steps 1. Build Portlet-API cd {$jetspeed-2-home}/portlet-api maven jar:install 2. Build Jetspeed Commons cd {$jetspeed-2-home}/commons maven jar:install 3. Build Container cd {$jetspeed-2-home}/container maven jar:install 4. Build the demo web application cd {$jetspeed-2-home}/applications/demo maven war 5. Build Jetspeed Portal cd {$jetspeed-2-home}/portal maven war 2. Install into Catalina Shared cd {$jetspeed-2-home} maven catalina:base-shared maven catalina:shared !!!! NOTE !!!!! make sure you have defined a property in your local build.properties located in your user directory to point to the correct database alias. example: deployment.db.alias=/C:/webapps/jetspeed2/webapps/jetspeed/WEB-INF/db/hsql/Registry 3. Deploy Jetspeed Portal WAR into Catalina cd {$jetspeed-2-home}/portal maven deploy 4. Install the demo web application into Catalina cd {$jetspeed-2-home}/portal maven pam.deploy 5. Run Tomcat, go to Jetspeed 6. To undeploy the demo app cd {$jetspeed-2-home}/portal maven pam.undeploy NOTE: im experience a problem where the portlet-container jar isn't the latest one copied into the HW_APP webapp this causes HelloPortlet to not display any info Its easily fixed by manually copying ${maven.repo.home}/jetspeed2/jars/jetspeed-container-2.0-a1-dev.jar ${catalina.home}/webapps/HW_APP/WEB-INF/lib/ I also think that this jar should not be put in the WAR during WAR creation, but should either be: a) in catalina shared or b) merged into the deployed web app by the PAM