--------------------------------- Pluto Issues --------------------------------- 1. ServletObjectAccess called from JetspeedPortletWrapper.renderPortlet which then calls FactoryManager.getFactory which then calls PortletContainerServices.get and if createReference isnt called on PortletContainerServices, then the factory service (RequestWrapper) is not found It appears that the createReference is only called from the Pluto container so Im not sure how Pluto accesses factories before the container is called per thread. But it seems to work in Pluto. Cant figure this one out yet 3. org.apache.jetspeed.aggregator.BasicAggregator - cleanup, combine with PSML - remove simplistic PortletEntity creation - find a way to cache PSML and PortletEntity objects in session --------------------------------- Misc --------------------------------- 1. Old PortletContainer [DONE] - remove all code related-to the old container and old request/response impls and wrappers