Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. 1. Container assigned: DST status: implementing - Portlet Cache (done) - Portlet Factory (done) - Portalside: use pool to create request/response - Pluto Integration 2. Portal Content Retriever (the PCR - for better name) assigned: PS, DST status: design - determining how to multithread content retrieval - determining if 2 phase retrieval is possible (phase one retrieval, phase two aggregation) - determining how to buffer (one buffer per portlet, multiple buffers) - determining how to stream large buffers and multithread - implement content caching 3. Capability Map, Media Types assigned: RR, RL(?) status: design 4. Database Services assigned: SW status: design 5. Registry Object Model assigned: SW status: look into converting from old registry model look into converting existing Portal registry to OJB 6. PSML Object Model assigned: SW status: look into converting from old PSML model 7. Simple Aggregation Engine - basic aggregation without template engine (DST) 8. Advanced Aggregation Engine assigned: RL status: design - need to work with PS, DST on integrating with PCR - call render of portlets here, or somehow get from buffer... 9. Security assigned: status: Quite a bit of design work, decisions needed We could port over the current system I see a need for 3 services (out-of-the-box, ldap, jaas) SecurityValve SecurityWrappers 10. Preferences, Preferences Validator assigned: PS status: design 11. Action Phase assigned: status: 12. Portlet API Tag Libraries assigned: status: 13. Portlet URL class assigned: status: 14. Session Management assigned: status: 15. Request Dispatcher assigned: status: partially implemented 16. User Attributes assigned: status: 17. Localization and Resource Bundles assigned: status: 18. Window State and Portlet Mode Management assigned: status: ----------------- Services from J1 ------------------ 1. Localization Service For Portlets, not necessary. Handled by Portlet Descriptor For the Portal, will be necessary to handle strings presented by the Portal 2. Daemon Factory Move out into Syndication Portal Application 3. Forward Service, JSLinks Forwards and JSLinks will need to be implemented as Portlet API extensions For example, to jslink to another page: For example, to forward to another page: Of course this is not portable, but these attributes will be ignord in other portals. The downside is that your application, which builds links by page, will not port. 4. IdGenerator - done 5. JSP - see Portlet API Custom Tags 6. LDAP Service 7. Logger 8. Lucene 9. Persistence - see Portlet API Preferences 10. Portal Toolkit This service is very much dependent on the old engine A new Portal Toolkit for JSP (or Velocity, Jelly) would be useful as custom tags or pull tools when creating layouts and controls 11. PortletCache (Container) Runs in Container, DST is working on it 05/29 Assigned: DST 12. PortletFactory (Container) Runs in Container, DST is working on it 05/29 Assigned: DST 13. PortletStats service 14. Profiler service Has been ported 14. Castor PSML Service Has been ported - should be deprecated 15. Database PSML Service Deprecated 16. New PSML Service based on OJB 17. Registry Service has been ported, should be deprecated eventually There is a lot of leverage in the existing Registry service. The Registry service should be left in until a complete replacement is ready for all registries. 18. Resources Service Deprecated, use commons Configuration 19. Rundata Service Deprecated 20. Security Service This will take a lot of design and refactoring The user community has some great ideas I believe Jetspeed Security, especially securing all types of portal resources, is a very powerful feature of Jetspeed. Jetspeed-2 should try to support three (woah nelly) Security Service implementations - out-of-box Security (Lets not call it Turbine please) drop all Turbine dependencies (there aren't many left) - JAAS Security - LDAP Security 21. StateManager Service 22. Template Service Still necessary in the Portal for locating controllers(layouts) and controls, although we could consider dropping it - remove all references to screens - in a portlet application, we can supply a template locator class that MVC portlets can leverage. However we must be careful not to make it dependent on Jetspeed if its to be portable 23. ThreadPool service 24. URL Manager service 25. WebPage Service ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utilities --------- These can be ported as needed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modules --------- - deprecate layouts - deprecate pages - parameters - this is portlet application specific perhaps it could be used as a CPS - localization - needs sorting out. localized strings for portlets need to be moved to PAs, and localized strings for the portal moved to the portal resource bundle - actions - convert all turbine actions to portlets * Change Password - move to the Jetspeed Admin App * Create New User and Confirm - move to the JAA * Send Confirmation Email - move to the JAA * Send New User Notification Email - move to the JAA * Update Account - move to the JAA - JetspeedAccessController, JetspeedSessionValidator * Convert to AccessControllerValve (SecurityValve), tie into new Security Model - controllers - port to new Aggregation engine, decouple from Turbine - controls - port to new Aggregation engine, decouple from Turbine - portlet actions - convert to portlets - ClientUpdateAction ---> JAA - ControllerUpdateAction - ControlUpdateAction - CustomizeAction ---> JAA - ForwardDemoAction ---> Jetspeed Demo App (DEMO) - GenericMVCAction ---> Jetspeed Abstract Portlets (standalone jar) - HelloAction ---> DEMO - JspPortletAction - deprecate (convert to MVC) - LuceneSearchAction ---> JAA - MediaUpdateAction ---> JAA - PortletUpdateAction ---> JAA - PortletBrowserAction ---> JAA - QuestionairreAction ---> DEMO - RegistryBrowserAction ---> JAA - SecurityUpdateAction ---> JAA - StockQuoteAction ---> DEMO - VelocityPortletAction - deprecate (convert to MVC) - WeatherAction ---> DEMO - security/ ---> JAA - browser/ ---> DEMO modules/portlets - admin/ ---> JAA - browser --> DEMO - viewprocessor --> Jetspeed Abstract Portlets - AbstractInstance - deprecate - AbstractPortlet - deprecate - CustomizerVelocity - deprecate for MVC - FileServerPortlet --> DEMO - FileWatch - GenericMVCPortlet - IFramePortlet - JetspeedContent - JspPortlet - LinkPortlet - NewRSSPortlet - PortletInfoPortlet - PreviewPortlet - RSSPortlet - ServletInvokerPortlet - TurbineScreenPortlet - VelocityPortlet - WebPagePortlet - WebPagePortlet2 - WMLFilePortlet - XMLPortlet - XSLPortlet - controllers - port to new Aggregation engine, decouple from Turbine - controls - port to new Aggregation engine, decouple from Turbine - security - security wrappers