Getting Started with Jetspeed 2

It is expected that the user is familiar with both the Apache Maven project tool and the Apache Ant build tool.


1. Get Maven Ready

If you have not already done so, download and install Maven.

2. settings:

Please set these values in your ${USER_HOME}/ file:

property example what is it?
catalina.shared.lib ${CATALINA_HOME}/shared/lib/ The location of the jars in your Tomcat installation.
deploy.war.dir ${CATALINA_BASE}/webapps/ The location to deploy web application in Tomcat.

3. Build .jar and .war files

There are two procedures you can follow that will yeild the same results which are to build and install the required jetspeed jars into Maven (for build purposes).

procedure 1 (short and sweet) procedure 2 (long and boring)

Start the HSQL test server:
cd ${jetspeed-2-home}
maven start.test.server

Build all jars and wars:
(in seperate window/terminal session)
cd ${jetspeed-2-home}
maven allBuild

Start the HSQL test server:
cd ${jetspeed-2-home}
maven start.test.server
(in seperate window/terminal session)
Build Portlet-API
cd ${jetspeed-2-home}/portlet-api
maven jar:install
Build Jetspeed Commons
cd ${jetspeed-2-home}/commons
maven jar:install
Build the demo web application
cd ${jetspeed-2-home}/applications/demo
maven war
Build Jetspeed Portal
cd ${jetspeed-2-home}/portal
maven war

4. Deploying Jetspeed 2

Deploy Jetspeed Portal WAR into Catalina

  1. make sure you have terminated the test HSQLserver
  2. cd ${jetspeed-2-home}
  3. maven start.production.server
  4. (in seperate window/terminal session) cd ${jetspeed-2-home}
  5. maven db.recreate this will recreate the DB to deploy into.  WARNING This will drop all the tables and data in the proudction database.
  6. cd ${jetspeed-2-home}/portal
  7. maven deploy

This will unpack the newly created jetspeed.war file into Tomcat/Catalina

5. Deploying the demo application

Install the demo web application into Catalina

  1. cd ${jetspeed-2-home}/portal
  2. maven pam.register
  3. maven pam.deploy

NOTE: Steps 4 and 5 have been combined into the ${jetspeed-2-home}/portal "maven fullDeploy" goal.  However, you will still need to manually start the production HSQL server and populate it as defined in steps 4.1 - 4.5.

6. Start Tomcat

Run Tomcat, go to http://localhost:8080/jetspeed.

(Optional) How to undeploy the demo application

To undeploy the demo app

  1. cd ${jetspeed-2-home}/portal
  2. maven pam.undeploy
  3. The console witll stay open with [done] message, at this point you can ctrl-c to close the deployment tool.

