1. update project.xml and etc/project-dependencies/*.xml in all projects to 2.0-Mx 2. delete old versions of jars from shared/lib 3. checkout to a clean directory 4. build with tests on all db platforms (hsql, mysql, oracle...) 5. test running app in Tomcat 6. build with Hypersonic maven -o allClean allBuild maven -o quickStart 7. From Tomcat dir, make a copy of the binary release in format: {tomcat-root} | | - webapps/jetspeed | - jetspeed.xml | - conf/Catalina/localhost/jetspeed.xml | - | - jetspeed-database |- hsql -| Production | |- scripts - start-database.sh - start-database.bat - hsqldb-1.7.1.jar remove everything else but the files above making an overlay 8. create a windows zip and unix tar.gz of the directory named: jetspeed-2.0-M1.zip jetspeed-2.0-M1.tar.gz 9. create the README for the specific version, see docs/release/JETSPEED-README-2.0-M1.txt 10. tag the release from Eclipse or command line using tag format: JETSPEED-RELEASE-2-0-M1 11. get a clean checkout, don't build anything 12. create a tar and zip of the entire build directory jakarta-jetspeed-2 named: jetspeed-2.0-M1-src.tar.gz jetspeed-2.0-M1-src.zip 13. Sign the distributions distribution dir == /www/www.apache.org/dist/portals/jetspeed-2/ a. Download the KEYS from the distribution directory b. Export your public key gpg --list-sigs >> KEYS gpg --armor --export ) >> KEYS b. Add the contents of th KEYS to your public ring gpg --import KEYS c. Generate the .asc files using: gpg -sab jetspeed-2.0-M1.zip gpg -sab jetspeed-2.0-M1.tar.gz gpg -sab jetspeed-2.0-M1-src.zip gpg -sab jetspeed-2.0-M1-src.tar.gz d. Generate the .md5 hashes: openssl md5 < jetspeed-2.0-M1.zip > jetspeed-2.0-M1.zip.md5 openssl md5 < jetspeed-2.0-M1.tar.gz > jetspeed-2.0-M1.tar.gz.md5 openssl md5 < jetspeed-2.0-M1-src.zip > jetspeed-2.0-M1-src.zip.md5 openssl md5 < jetspeed-2.0-M1-src.tar.gz > jetspeed-2.0-M1-src.tar.gz.md5 e. upload the files to the distributions directory 14. Create Symbolic Links to Current left off here... xx. Write and post release announcements to mailing lists: general@portals.apache.org jetspeed-dev@jakarta.jetspeed.org jetspeed-users@jakarta.jetspeed.org announcements@jakarta.apache.org