Remote Portlet Application Deployer Overview -------- Remote Portlet Application Deployer(RPAD) deploys a portlet from remote portlet repositories into a Portal server, such as Jetspeed2, directly. RPAD consists of 2 parts: RPAD API and RPAD Portlet. RPAD API defines the programing interface to access to remote portlet repositories. RPAD Portlet provides JSR 168 compliant portlet to deploy a target portlet from remote repositories. +---------------------------+ | Portal Server(J2,...) | +---------------------------+ | RPAD Portlet | +---------------------------+ | RPAD API | +---------------------------+ A Download V Access +---------------------------+ | Remote Portlet Repository | +---------------------------+ | Portlet | Portlet | ... | +---------------------------+ Design ------ +-----------------------------------+ | RPAD Portlet | | (RPADPortletFilter + JSF Portlet) | +-----------------------------------+ V Call RPAD API +---------------------------------------------------+ | RepositoryManager | +---------------------------------------------------+ V V V +------------------+ +----------------------+ +-----+ | SimpleRepository | | WebServiceRepository | | ... | +------------------+ | (TBD) | +-----+ +----------------------+ Class Description ----------------- RPAD API: Class org.apache.jetspeed.portlets.rpad.RepositoryManager RepositoryManager manages Repository instances. Portal, such as Jetspeed2, calls methods of this class to access remote portlet repositories. Interface org.apache.jetspeed.portlets.rpad.Repository RPAD supports a variety of kinds of portlet repositories. A portlet repository needs to implement this interface. Repository manages PortletApplication instances for a remote portlet repository. Portal can access portlet information in a remote portlet repository via this class. Class org.apache.jetspeed.portlets.rpad.PortletApplication This class has properties of a portlet application, such as a portlet name, url to download war file. Class org.apache.jetspeed.portlets.rpad.simple.SimpleRepository SimpleRepository is a file-based repository. If a portlet provider puts a repository site descriptor for a remote portlet repository, using SimpleRepository, the provider delivers portlets to a Portal server. The syntax of the repository site descriptor is under discussion with PRP( We will define it by the first week of Feb. RPAD Portlet: The current implementation is JSF-based portlet. Class org.apache.jetspeed.portlets.rpad.portlet.RPADPortletFilter RPADPortletFilter initializes RepositoryManager instance. Interface org.apache.jetspeed.portlets.rpad.portlet.deployer.PortletDeployer RPAD Portlet calls PortletDeployer#deploy(PortletApplication) to deploy the target portlet into your Portal. If you implements PortletDeployer class for your Portal, RPAD works on your Portal. Class org.apache.jetspeed.portlets.rpad.portlet.deployer.impl.JetspeedPortletDeployer This class is PortletDeployer implementation for Jetspeed2. TODO ---- - Manage a portlet version in J2 - Store portlet information to DB, not memory - Move RPAD into under Apache Portals sub-project for other portals to use RPAD