* Use this macro at the top of all of your layout decorations so as
* to provide required context objects.
#macro (defineLayoutObjects)
#set($preferedLocale = $JS2RequestContext.locale)
#set($rootFragment = $jetspeed.currentFragment)
#set($site = $request.getAttribute("org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.PortalSiteRequestContext"))
#set($theme = $request.getAttribute("org.apache.jetspeed.theme"))
#set($layoutDecoration = $theme.getDecoration($rootFragment))
#* Adds javascript for PortletSelector on HTML *#
#macro (includeJavaScriptForHead)
* Returns the full URL for the base of this site. This
* can and should be used in the the
* of your decoration.
* Returns the correct Content-type string for use within the Content-type
* meta tag.
#macro (ContentType)text/html#if($response.characterEncoding); charset=$response.characterEncoding#end#end
* Returns the page title string for the current page
#macro (PageTitle)$jetspeed.page.getTitle($preferedLocale)#end
* Returns the site description string for use within the
#foreach ($_action in $_actions)
#if($editing == true)
#set ($chooser = "${jetspeed.basePath}/system/customizer/portlet-selector.psml")
#macro(PortletActionBar $_decoration)
#set($_actions = $_decoration.actions)