HOW TO MOUNT THE PROJECTS IN ECLIPSE ------------------------------------ Note: This solution (using nested project trees) requires Eclipse 3.2+ and the Subversive 1.1.0+ plugin This does *NOT* work with the subclipse plugin (1.2.0 as of now) as it doesn't support nested projects and will hang Eclipse if you try it anyway... See From the checkout directory, run $ mvn install $ mvn -P apache-SNAPSHOT-plugins eclipse:clean $ mvn eclipse:eclipse This will generate Eclipse .project and .classpath files for all (non-pom) sub projects. Note: the 2.4-SNAPSHOT version of the maven-eclipse-plugin is currently used to append the current version to the Eclipse sub project name. Then, delete the .project file in the checkout directory (Eclipse will itself recreate it after the import of the sub projects). Do File-Import->Existing projects into workspace and point to your checkout directory and it should detect and preselect all sub projects. After importing refresh the main checkout project and Eclipse will recreate the deleted .project file. Note that you need to declare the M2_REPO classpath variable in your workspace, it should point to your local m2 repository. For further information about the maven eclipse plugin visit