This will work without a database connection - will show the basic information. ------------------------ If you want to view some data from a test database (currently only works with PostgreSQL): Download PostgreSQL from Download jdbc, there are several places, one is: (make sure to include jdbc6.5-1.x.jar in your servlet server configuration) ------------------------ Simple method to start PostgreSQL: # as some user other than root, this creates the database but does not # set a password, so username=login of user, password="" export PGDATA=/usr/local/pg_data /usr/bin/initdb --pglib=/usr/lib/pgsql --pgdata=/usr/local/pg_data rm /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432 /usr/bin/postmaster -i -D /usr/local/pg_data & createdb JetspeedProject ------------------------ Now generate the database: java org.apache.jetspeed.project.CreateDatabase Test generation of database: java org.apache.jetspeed.project.RunTest ------------------------ Place the following alias and init params in the servlet properties file: servlet.project.code=org.apache.jetspeed.project.Project servlet.project.initArgs=\ org.apache.jetspeed.project.content_directory=,\ org.apache.jetspeed.project.jdbc_driver=postgresql.Driver,\ org.apache.jetspeed.project.jdbc_host=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/jetspeedproject,\ org.apache.jetspeed.project.jdbc_username=,\ org.apache.jetspeed.project.jdbc_password=,\ org.apache.jetspeed.project.jdbc_max_connections=10 ------------------------ The xhtml files live in the src/content area, so make sure they exist in the abovementioned content_directory initArgs. ------------------------ now access servlets/project --------------------------- --------------------------- to do: - use Cocoon or other xhtml parser - use turbine utilities for jdbc connection pooling, authentication Currently only makes one database connection - create item pages to view individual projects, etc. - create proper forms & handle results, modify/delete