Jetspeed 1.0 TODO Last Modified: $Date$ Latest version at: Author: *************************************** TODO *********************************** ******* REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION FOR 1.2 ******** - Better documentation on the control panel and daemons is required for 1.2 - Document how the PortletRegistry works. - Document properties files better - Document the daemon package - Document the Admin console - Document how the updated FeedDaemon works - Document how user customization works - ... on JCM, what it is and how to use it. - describe what the bookmarklet does - tell them that it stores the password in clear text - Documentation on how to setup user authentication - Docs and a dist of Turbine for setting up SQL ****** HIGH PRIORITY ****** - Moreover links seem to fail within Jetspeed. The reason seems to be that if can't figure out that the URL is really in the cache. - Put the jetspeed article within sitebook - BUG: FileServerPortlet doesn't not expire itself when running under Tomcat - FEATURE: Modularize the FileWatchPortlet. Create a FileWatcher object. This object should throw an IOExcpetion on the constructor if the file does not exist. Then use this in the CocoonPortlet to see if you can expire the portlet when its stylesheet (IE not URL) changes. - BUG: If the PortletRegistry receives another Application then the Applications Portlet isn't smart enough to realize that its content has changed. It needs to expire itself - BUG: Cocoon won't update itself when stylesheets change on disk. This needs to be fixed because if you update a stylesheet, Jetspeed only picks this up when you restart it - BUG: Check the following when Jetspeed is started: - use the Turbine RequiredLibraryManager to check for all required libs. - Check that is actually there - Check that /tmp/JetspeedDocumentCache is there and is writable - Make sure that the Cocoon XSP repository is writable - BUG: Make sure that portlet property inheritance works. - BUG: RSSPortlet/FileWatchPortlet may not be updating itself from disk correctly. Either that or the DiskCacheDaemon might not be working correctly - This is a problem with either the FeedDaemon or the DiskCacheDaemon. The RSSPortlet correctly updates itself but it appears that the daemons don't work - Make sure that Admin portlets can't be instantiated from not within the Admin screen. - BUG: When running in a new Servlet Context under Tomcat (reported by Neeme Praks): > I have context for jetspeed set to "/jetspeed" and I have my XSP file in > http://myhost/jetspeed/myfile.xml, the physical path is > root-to-tomcat\webapps\jetspeed\myfile.xml (Win2K system). When > resolving the URL to physical, JetspeedDiskCache returns > file://root-to-tomcat/webapps/jetspeed/jetspeed/myfile.xml. > As much as I understand, EngineContext.getInstance().getDocumentRoot() > returns root-to-tomcat\webapps\jetspeed and then the > /jetspeed/myfile.xml from URL is appended to this, resulting in one > extra "jetspeed". Haven't figured a way out yet how to fix this... ****** NORMAL PRIORITY ****** - Improve Portlet subcription. You should be able to pick from a couple of generic portlets. Then you should also be able to search from additional portlets using keywords (from OCS) or domain name. - Portlets should have the the ability to be added to a users profile so they when they logon they get their own profile and their own portlets. ********************************** 1.2 ***************************************** ********************************** 1.3 ***************************************** - Rework the way navigations are used with Turbine/Jetspeed. Make it possible to kill these off via specifying them in the URI. - Write a portlet that allows the USER to input a remote URL into Jetspeed. This URL should have some tags stripped.