Jetspeed 1.0 BLUESKY Last Modified: $Date$ Latest version at: Author: NOTE: This document details features that could be incorporated but have no current plans for implementation. If you would like to work on any of these please volunteer. ****************** BLUE SKY (no particular release schedule ******************** - Make NNTP (any JavaMail provider) into a portlet - Mail-XSP and integrate it with my current messaging - iCalendar Support - Project Support - turbine authentication - turbine connection pooling installed, need to handle command-line database application connections before checking in - automated form generation 50% complete - automated form result handling - arrange forms on pages - Cocoon/portlet design, remove static xhtml pages/tags - auto email capability for notes, state change notifications - ability to graph data sets. They have the ability to take multiple points of data (probably using Excel and a pivot table or something) and building a graph. We should do something like this with SVG and maybe stock quotes when we can get the data. - They have project management... (Sandy... hint hint :) - They are ahead of us on their layout. BTW if anyone can get some JavaScript that works with drag and drop like this on Netscape and IE you can have my first born child: - They have a virtual workspace. - we should have the ability to "undock" a Portlet from the main page and have it floating from the browser. - we should include the ability to "dock" external URLs within Jetspeed. Neeme talked about this with a remote Portlet but I am not sure they are exactly the same. We should also exclude any