Library versions in this directory: Xalan ( 1.1 [2000-07-22 01:28, 857192 bytes] Xerces ( 1.1.2 [2000-07-22 08:00, 772630 bytes] Cocoon ( 1.7.3 [2000-05-15 08:28, 208735 bytes] (dev from CVS with patch for performance problem) ECS ( 1.3.3 [2000-07-24 10:03, 204203 bytes] Village ( 1.5 [2000-11-17 17:18, 31316 bytes] velocity 0.7 [2000-11-17 17:18, 282314 bytes] Castor ( 0.8.8 [2000-07-29 03:23, 807497 bytes] (mods to SourceFactor so that the infinite recursion bug is fixed) Turbine ( 2.1-dev-unreleased [2000-12-05 14:07, 458200 bytes] (dev from CVS as of 2000-12-05, 07:00) JAXP ( 1.0.1 [2000-07-16 23:07, 378121 bytes] Hypersonic SQL ( 1.42 [2000-07-19 03:16, 172809 bytes] JavaMail ( 1.1.3 [2000-07-22 03:04, 234333 bytes] Activation ( 1.0.1 [2000-07-22 03:04, 45386 bytes] Optional packages (in ./optional): Stylebook: required for building the xdocs