# The scheduler service # Default: false scheduler.enabled=false # Your mail server for outgoing email. # Default: null mail.server= # This is the module to handle building AccessControlLists # Default: org.apache.turbine.util.access.DefaultAccessControl access.control=org.apache.turbine.util.access.DefaultAccessControl # This determines whether or not to cache the modules in memory. # For development, turn this off. For production, turn this on. # Default: false module.cache=false # If module.cache=true, then how large should we make the # hashtables by default. action.cache.size=20 layout.cache.size=10 navigation.cache.size=10 page.cache.size=5 screen.cache.size=50 scheduledjob.cache.size=10 # This is the "classpath" for Turbine. In order to locate # your own modules, you should add them to this path. # For example, if you have com.company.actions, # com.company.screens, com.company.navigations, then # this setting would be "com.company,org.apache.turbine" # This path is searched in order. For example, Turbine # comes with a screen module named "Login". If you wanted # to have your own screen module named "Login", then you # would specify the path to your modules before the # path to the turbine modules. # Default: org.apache.turbine module.packages=org.apache.jetspeed.turbine,org.apache.turbine # This is the class that implements the User interface # Default: org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineUser user.class=org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineUser # These are your database settings, look in the # org.apache.turbine.db* package for more information. database.default.driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver database.default.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL database.default.username=dbUser database.default.password=dbPass database.maxConnections=3 database.expiryTime=3600000 # These are the supported jdbc-drivers and their adaptors. # These properties are used by the DBFactory. database.adaptor=DBMM database.adaptor.DBMM=org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver database.adaptor=DBWeblogic database.adaptor.DBWeblogic=weblogic.jdbc.pool.Driver database.adaptor=DBOracle database.adaptor.DBOracle=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver database.adaptor=DBInstandDB database.adaptor.DBInstandDB=jdbc.idbDriver database.adaptor=DBSybase database.adaptor.DBSybase=com.sybase.jdbc.SybDriver database.adaptor=DBPostgres database.adaptor.DBPostgres=postgresql.Driver database.adaptor=DBDB2Net database.adaptor.DBDB2Net=COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.net.DB2Driver database.adaptor=DBDB2App database.adaptor.DBDB2App=COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver # This is the default settings for the OPaL persistence # mechanism. # Default: false opal.start=true opal.dbbroker.classname=org.apache.turbine.opl.database.DbBrokerImpl # This is the default screen to show to people when they # first access the system. You can override this by # specifying module.packages to include your own modules. # Default: Login screen.homepage=Home # This is the page that is shown on an incorrect login # attempt. It is referenced in the LoginUser action # Default: Login screen.login=Login # This is the default error screen # Default: Error screen.error=Error # The default location for ImageServer to find its files # Default: d:/ screen.ImageServer.root=d:/ # This is the default action to log a user in. # Default: LoginUser action.login=LoginUser # This is the default action that builds up the AccessControlList # for the individual users session # Default: AccessController action.accesscontroller=AccessController # This is the default layout to apply. # Default: DefaultLayout layout.default=JetSpeedLayout # This is the default page module. You probably do not want # to modify this. # Default: DefaultPage page.default=DefaultPage # This is the file upload max file size. # Default: 1000000 max.file.size.bytes=1000000 # This is the code that will be used to handle file upload # Default: org.apache.turbine.external.UploaderOReilly file.upload.handler=org.apache.turbine.external.UploaderOReilly # This is the path where files will be uploaded # Default: . file.upload.default.path=. # This is the file server where files will be uploaded for # mulipart/form-data requests # Default: none #file.server= # This indicates whether Turbine should try to create JNDI contexts. # Default: false # contexts=true # This indicates the action that should be run to create JNDI initial contexts. # Default: InitContextsAction action.initcontexts=InitContextsAction # These are the JNDI context properties. # Each context's properties are defined by the properties # beginning with context.name. # Default: none # # Example: # The following will create a JNDI context named "name" in the # data.contexts Hashtable. It will point at the RMI registry # on localhost running on port 1099, and will use # com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.RegistryContextFactory as the initial # context factory: # # context.name.java.naming.provider.url=rmi://localhost:1099 # context.name.java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.RegistryContextFactory # The full path name to a log file # if not given, commands to log events using org.apache.turbine.util.Log will be ignored. # This file must already exist and be writable. # Default: none # # logfile=/tmp/turbine.log # Supplies Turbine with information about the database schema, which can simplify any # required Peer classes. # Default: org.apache.turbine.util.db.DatabaseMapBuilder database.maps.builder=org.apache.turbine.util.db.DatabaseMapBuilder # The message that can be displayed before a user logs in. login.message=Thank you for your visit. Please log into the system. # The message that can be displayed when no screen is defined. login.message.noscreen=There has been an error. Your session is valid but the screen variable is not defined. # The message that can be displayed when a user enters an incorrect password or username. login.error=Sorry your username or password is incorrect! # The message that can be displayed when a user logs out. logout.message=Thank you for using the system. Please come back soon. # FreeMarker path where templates are stored. freemarker.path=/path/to/turbine/examples/freemarker ################################### #JetSpeed specific configurations # ################################### #the properties file for JetSpeed jetspeed.properties=/projects/jetspeed/src/config/JetSpeedResources.properties # This is the default action to validate whether or not # a session is valid. For example, if you want to make # sure if a user has already logged in or not. # Default: SessionValidator action.sessionvalidator=JetSpeedSessionValidator