JetSpeed 1.0 INSTALL (JetSpeed Installation Directions) Last Modified: $Date$ Latest version at: Author: **** OVERVIEW **** Requirements: - A Java Servlet Engine/Container. Must be compatible with the Servlet 2.0 API Note that JetSpeed is developed under Jakarta ( so this is the most desirable platform. JServ 1.2 is supported however you may have to translate this document to work under JServ (please mail me your diff when it works under JServ). - JDK 1.1.8 or compatible Java Virtual Machine. - Netscape Navigator 4.x or Internet Explorer 4.x as a client The following libraries are required and distributed with JetSpeed. - Exoffice Castor ( - Latest version of Turbine (from CVS) or the snapshot that comes with JetSpeed - Xerces ( - Cocoon ( - ECS ( - Village ( - Xalan ( **** INSTALLATION **** - Move the "content" directory to "/content" under your web server. If you already have a "content" directory simply add the files there. - Add all libraries to your classpath including all the above and Jetspeed.jar - Setup your Servlet engine. You need to setup a servlet alias for Jetspeed as follows: - in /webpages/WEB-INF/web.xml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ jetspeed Turbine properties /projects/jetspeed/src/config/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Note that if you run Tomcat/Jakarta under Apache via the JServ connector you will have to setup your classpath there as well. - Go through the and files that come with Jetspeed. There are additional configuration directives that you may want/have to tweak. **** RELEASE NOTES **** There may be a known problem with your specific version of JetSpeed. Please see the release notes(release.html).