# Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default properties for the Jetspeed Plugin # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # The location of the plain vanilla Jetspeed war. maven.jetspeed.vanilla.war = ${plugin.dir}/jetspeed.war # Location where the war will be created. Defaults to # ${maven.build.dir}/jetspeed-cactus maven.jetspeed.build.dir = ${maven.build.dir} # Location where the various Merge* merge files are maven.jetspeed.merge.dir = ./src/conf/ # Location of app-specific files to include in the .war file war.src = ${basedir}/webapp # Location where temporary files used for the .war file are stored war.stage.dir = ${basedir}/stage # Target environment (LOCAL,DEV,TEST,PROD, default NONE) maven.env.name = # Comma separated list of property files to merge (default NONE). # Extension assumed to be .properties. # Filename format when ${maven.env.name} is NOT used: [property.filename].properties.merge # Filename format when ${maven.env.name} is used: [property.filename]-${maven.env.name}.properties.merge maven.merge.properties = # Comma separated list of environment specific registries to copy (default NONE). # Filename format: local-[registry.name]-${maven.env.name}.xreg.copy # For example, to copy local-security-${maven.env.name}.xreg.copy to local-security.xreg, set it to 'security' maven.copy.xreg = ##GENAPP properties maven.jetspeed.genapp.resources=${plugin.resources}/default maven.jetspeed.genapp.prompt.template=Enter a project template to use: maven.jetspeed.genapp.prompt.id=Please specify an id for your application: maven.jetspeed.genapp.prompt.name=Please specify a name for your application: maven.jetspeed.genapp.prompt.package=Please specify the package for your application: maven.jetspeed.genapp.default.template=default maven.jetspeed.genapp.default.id=app maven.jetspeed.genapp.default.name=Example Application maven.jetspeed.genapp.default.package=example.app