# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # P R O J E C T P R O P E R T I E S # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #set this in your ${user.home}/build.properties rather than here #maven.home = ${user.home}/maven #This is needed to make the old build.xml files use the new directories, if called via maven build.dir = target lib.dir = ${lib.repo} compile.debug = on compile.optimize = off compile.deprecation = off src.dir = src announcement = 1.4-b4-dev maven.war.src = ${basedir}/webapp maven.compile.fork=yes maven.junit.fork=true # This is a "hack" because POM in maven-1.8 doesn't allow to configure this via includes maven.jarResources.basedir = ${basedir}/src/java maven.repo.remote = http://www.bluesunrise.com/maven/, http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/ # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # UI Color Preferences # ------------------------------------------------------------------- maven.ui.banner.background = #fff maven.ui.banner.foreground = #fff maven.ui.banner.border.top = #36c maven.ui.banner.border.bottom = #36c # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Torque Preferences # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- schemaDirectory = ${maven.src.dir}/torque-schema torque.useClasspath = true torque.basePrefix = Base torque.addSaveMethod = true torque.addGetByNameMethod = true torque.complexObjectModel = true torque.addTimeStamp = true torque.addIntakeRetrievable = false torque.saveException = Exception project = jetspeed database = hypersonic #targetPackage = org.apache.jetspeed.om.torque torque.retrievableInterface = org.apache.fulcrum.intake.Retrievable torque.database.url = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost torque.database.driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver torque.database.user = sa torque.database.password =