Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ---------------------------- Jetspeed 1.4b3 Release Notes ---------------------------- Jetspeed 1.4b3 is a patch to version 1.4b2 fixing two sets of bugs: Bugs 14907, 15000 - Security hole bugs fixed. Users with admin role can no longer access admin resources. Bugs 14917, 15265 - Xerces does not handle correctly file paths on some platforms (Novell), Windows with spaces. This was causing many Windows-based installs to fail. ---------------------------- Jetspeed 1.4b2 Release Notes ---------------------------- This file documents some known issues or incomplete features in this release. LDAP Security Service --------------------- The LDAP Security Service was just added in version 1.4b2. It is not completely tested in production. It will be more robust by the next revision. Customizer ---------- There are still some known problems: - You can't search for a given portlet, but you can now filter by Portlet Categories. Portlets -------- The jetspeed-content administration portlet does not work correctly and may fail to refresh a jetspeed-content channel. Syndication ----------- The current syndicator does not handle correctly the channels refresh rate and use a fixed refresh rate for all channels. WML Support ----------- WML support is a recent new feature and not all portlets included in this Jetspeed distribution support WML output. Currently only the following components have been tested for WML compatibility: Controllers RowColumnPortletController WMLCardController Controls TitleControl TitlePortletControl FullScreenControl Portlets WMLFilePortlet XSLPortlet RSSPortlet