Bug List: Fixed in 1.4 (final)
Wed Oct 29 14:36:44 PST 2003
94 bugs found.
ID Owner Comp Summary
5440 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Miscella [ENH] Move localization property files to WEB-INF/conf
7667 morciuch@apache.org Customiz [ENH] Inconsistent labels for apply/cancel buttons in the cu
9057 david@bluesunrise.com Profiler [PATCH] Creating New User PSML doesn't assign new portlet in
14502 morciuch@apache.org Layout [FIX] Unable to move portlets to different columns
14740 david@bluesunrise.com Miscella [FIX] Display bug with AggregatePortlets or references
14830 morciuch@apache.org Layout [FIX] TemplateLocatorService is not localizing templates
14940 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Miscella [PATCH] Exception Logged when User has nothing on screen
15000 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Customiz [FIX] Adding reference to admin allows any user admin functi
15214 morciuch@apache.org Miscella [PATCH] Cleanup Logging
15413 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Customiz [FIX] Deleting reference from customizer fails
15684 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Database [FIX] Removing 'user' role causes data integrity problems
16346 morciuch@apache.org Customiz [FIX] CheckBox parameter style does not retain its state
16781 morciuch@apache.org Document [FIX] Edit services.LoggingService.default statement in my.p
16956 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Security [FIX] checkPermission() of TurbineAccessController lacks of
17069 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org PSML [FIX] TestPSMLManager is failing
17295 morciuch@apache.org Portlets [FIX] RSS portlet lists administrative parameters in the bro
17715 morciuch@apache.org Miscella [PATCH] JetspeedLocalizationService only looks at first reso
17932 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Document [FIX] $jslink.Anonymous returns true if the anon user is act
18188 morciuch@apache.org Layout [ENH] Proposal for enhancing skin capabilities
18234 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Miscella [FIX] Duplicated xerces jar in lib directory
18291 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Miscella [FIX] User form does not populate
18298 david@bluesunrise.com Database [FIX] Updating database psml larger than 4k fails under Orac
18510 morciuch@apache.org JSP [PATCH] Localized key string from JetspeedL10NTag class
18632 morciuch@apache.org Portlets [ENH] BASICAuthIFramePortlet contribution
18666 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Portlets [PATCH] LinkPortlet shows no content
18806 morciuch@apache.org Customiz [FIX] Customize portlet - Failes to update null or empty par
18819 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Portlet [PATCH] VelocityPanedPortletController isSelected doesn't se
18885 sweaver@rippe.com Security [FIX] Default security constraint can override registry-leve
19124 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Miscella [PATCH] Admin browsers UI clean up
19169 morciuch@apache.org Profiler [ENH] Use meta-info instead of role name in merge when creat
19233 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Portlets [PATCH] RSS portlet choked with empty RSS description
19334 morciuch@apache.org Velocity [FIX] Option tags should be closed in list boxes
19370 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Database [ENH] Addition of SAPDB load and populate scripts
19519 morciuch@apache.org JSP [FIX] JSP L10N tag fails to translate resources
19535 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Registry [ENH] Refactored registry editors
19537 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Registry [ENH] Media Registry Editor
19538 david@bluesunrise.com Registry [ENH] Controller Registry Editor
19540 david@bluesunrise.com Registry [ENH] Control Registry Editor
19589 raphael@apache.org Customiz [FIX] a bug in method buildNormalContext in Class CustomizeS
19612 morciuch@apache.org Portlets [ENH] Refactor XSL and RSS view processors
19632 morciuch@apache.org Registry [PATCH] Missing portlets after Registry marshalled to file
19674 morciuch@apache.org JSP [FIX] JSP version of password reminder template not function
19779 morciuch@apache.org Security [ENH] Custom session validator for use with mod_ntlm
19806 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Customiz [PATCH] Selecting top level default skin fails
19854 morciuch@apache.org Miscella [ENH] Polish language resource bundle
19855 morciuch@apache.org Miscella [ENH] Localize "Filter portlets by category" string
19856 morciuch@apache.org Miscella [ENH] Localize "Support and Additional Information" string
19863 morciuch@apache.org Profiler [PATCH] Action messages are not properly localized
19906 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Miscella [ENH] Further logging improvements
19930 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Security [PATCH] Malformed html in the file portlet-form.vm
20075 david@bluesunrise.com Customiz [FIX] Portlet Customizer requires two saves to save properti
20076 david@bluesunrise.com Registry [FIX] Fatal Error -1: -1 Premature EOF
20077 david@bluesunrise.com Customiz [FIX] PortletForm Editor writes properties to Parent Portlet
20078 morciuch@apache.org JSP [FIX] Portlet preview not functioning when JSP is default te
20311 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Registry [FIX] NullPointerException in org.apache.jetspeed.om.registr
20313 morciuch@apache.org JSP [ENH] Create parameter style jsp tag
20315 morciuch@apache.org Miscella [PATCH] Updated Maven Plugin Documentation
20437 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Registry [ENH] Portlet Registry Editor-Client side validation/i18n
20458 morciuch@apache.org Customiz [ENH] Implement "My Pages" feature
20511 morciuch@apache.org Database [FIX] Horrible Exception stack trace when database access b
20593 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Portlets [FIX] WeatherPortlet not functioning
20661 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Security [FIX] Verbose Exception messages in log file
20692 morciuch@apache.org Portlets [ENH] Expose IFramePortlet to non-admin users
20720 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Miscella [ENH] Refactor SearchService with pluggable document handler
20822 morciuch@apache.org Security [FIX] JetspeedTool.getPortletFromRegistry is not secure
20878 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Portlet [FIX] AbstractPortletControl - setTitle() doesn't work
20887 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Portlets [FIX] Bookmarklet feature of JetspeedContentAdmin broken
20922 morciuch@apache.org Portlets [FIX] GenericMVCPortlet is not cacheable
21026 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org JSP [FIX] PSML_MANAGER_MY_PAGES JSP TagLib returns null in top_l
21195 morciuch@apache.org Miscella [FIX] Unable to manually start daemons via Daemon Admin Port
21324 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Customiz [PATCH] - Unable to add Pane when entering customizer from t
21426 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org PSML [FIX] PSML Browser goes to wrong pane after clone
21551 caius1440@hotmail.com Customiz [FIX] Unable to customize registry editors
21595 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org PSML [FIX] Bug in creating user profile
21634 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Customiz [FIX] Customizing portlet logic broken
21699 morciuch@apache.org Layout [FIX] Portlet template global search feature not working
21808 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Security [PATCH] New security access entry asserts after restarting J
22024 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Security [FIX] Current portletFactoryService doesn't check for Portle
22068 morciuch@apache.org Portlets [ENH] Community portlets repository
22153 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Customiz [FIX] Error retrieving Portal Page: Profile not found.
22603 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Login [PATCH] Confirmation code for new user not saved on validati
22613 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Customiz [FIX] Multiple selection option of ListBox parameter style n
22685 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Portlets [ENH] Contribution: Logfile Viewer portlet for admins
22712 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Customiz [FIX] Portlet Customiser doesn't display content properly if
22740 caius1440@hotmail.com Registry [ENH] Internationalize registry editors
22947 morciuch@apache.org Portlets [ENH] WebClippingPortlet contributed by Marco Mari
23025 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Document [DOC] setTemplate method doesn't work with JSP's (JspPortlet
23133 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Customiz [PATCH] Cannot change pane description on customization page
23134 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Registry [PATCH] Portlet parameter update produces unexpected results
23198 morciuch@apache.org Portlets [ENH] Java applet portlet
23495 morciuch@apache.org Portlets [ENH] DatabaseBrowserPortlet enhancements
23504 morciuch@apache.org Distribu [ENH] Remove hard-coded version number from the navigation t
23521 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Customiz [FIX] Portlet customizer does not select current skin after
23531 morciuch@apache.org Portlet [FIX] Portlet image functionality is not implemented
94 bugs found.
Bug Fixes for 1.4 Beta 4
Wed Apr 23 15:03:55 PDT 2003
52 bugs found.
ID Owner Comp Summary
11738 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Registry [ENH] Portlet registry editor
13286 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Registry [PATCH] Encoding of the registry files: always default system encoding?
14433 david@bluesunrise.com Portlets [ENH] Change Language Portlet + Jetspeed Localization Service
14464 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Portlet [PATCH] WebPagePortlet supports iso-8859-1 only
15215 morciuch@apache.org Document [ENH] Jetspeed Questionaire
15414 morciuch@apache.org Customiz [FIX] Customizer only allows one Reference to be added
15415 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Customiz [FIX] Adding References is Turned Off in Customizer for All Users Except Admin
15507 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Database [PATCH] SQL Scripts for MSSQLServer need tweaking
15595 morciuch@apache.org Miscella [FIX] PortletStats service not logging all portlet access
15818 morciuch@apache.org Security [FIX] Redundant permission checking
15968 morciuch@apache.org Security [FIX] Security: other users can see your customize pane
15972 morciuch@apache.org Profiler [FIX] Role merge feature fails to sequence the resulting panes
16033 morciuch@apache.org Customiz [ENH] Access to Add Reference button in the Customizer
16112 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org PSML [PATCH] Stack overflow in Castor PSML Manager
16143 morciuch@apache.org Security [ENH] Default security ref for portal resources
16187 morciuch@apache.org Security [FIX] "Error retrieving Portal Page" received after new user changes password
16309 morciuch@apache.org Portlets [ENH] "No access to portlets" message is now localized
16310 morciuch@apache.org Security [FIX] Unnecessary reqistry lookup for portlet set
16325 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Document [DOC] TOMCAT_OPTS on FAQ page should be CATALINA_OPTS
16443 morciuch@apache.org JSP [FIX] Method JspPortletAction.setTemplate not functioning as advertised
16511 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Security [PATCH] no-secure passwords not allowed with LDAP
16524 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Database [PATCH] Bug in SQL Server Script
16551 morciuch@apache.org Distribu [ENH] OverwriteProperties.java should be Ant Task
16608 morciuch@apache.org JSP [FIX] JspPortletAction.build*Context not being invoked after executeEvents
16615 morciuch@apache.org JSP [PATCH] JSP tag l10n did not use Client Browser locale
16627 morciuch@apache.org Customiz [PATCH] Psml browser error when language specific psml exists
16655 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Distribu [ENH] Maven Plugin to simplify Testing Jetspeed Portlets in Isolation
16819 morciuch@apache.org Customiz [FIX] Incorrect pane order after moving panes in the customizer
16942 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Security [PATCH] Incorrect implementation of the equals() method in the UserNamePrincipal class
16976 morciuch@apache.org PSML [FIX] Export/Import All only displays the last message
17289 morciuch@apache.org Profiler [ENH] Assigning new role should merge the role's psml
17290 morciuch@apache.org PSML [ENH] Sample Hypersonic database should come with populated PSML tables
17632 morciuch@apache.org Portlet [ENH] Add portlet.getContent() load time to PortletStats service
17715 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Miscella [PATCH] JetspeedLocalizationService only looks at first resource bundle
17734 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Security [PATCH] SecurityCacheImpl overwites cached permissions
17756 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Portlets [ENH] MVCPortlet Proposal
17903 morciuch@apache.org Portlets [PATCH] Portlet Browser's bug/minor issues when adding portlets
17998 morciuch@apache.org Security [PATCH] allusers.disable does not work
18121 morciuch@apache.org Distribu [FIX] The 'war_release' target in build includes both classes and .jar
18208 weaver@apache.org Miscella [ENH] Enable "skinning" of action images
18304 weaver@apache.org Layout [FIX] JetspeedTemplateLocatorService does not recognize layout values in TR.props
18346 morciuch@apache.org Miscella [FIX] Login screen not consistent with top nav login
18362 morciuch@apache.org Miscella [PATCH] Template lookup mechanism ignores language changes made with the ChangeLanguage action.
18510 morciuch@apache.org JSP [PATCH] Localized key string from JetspeedL10NTag class
18555 morciuch@apache.org PSML [PATCH] PSML Browser doesn't localize under DB Psml Mgr
18686 david@bluesunrise.com Security [ENH] Security constraint editor tool
18737 morciuch@apache.org Registry [ENH] Client registry editor
18765 morciuch@apache.org Login [FIX] Last login timestamp is not recorded
18824 morciuch@apache.org JSP [ENH] Allow to use .jsp outside of WEB-INF as portlets
18829 morciuch@apache.org Portlets [ENH] Include screens in portlet template search
18915 david@bluesunrise.com Miscella [ENH] Forward Service and Tool
19003 jetspeed-dev@jakarta.apache.org Registry [FIX] Remove obsolete security related attributes from registries
52 bugs found.