# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # $Id$ # # This is the configuration file for Turbine and Jetspeed. # It is configured to work with VELOCITY templates # # Note that strings containing "," (comma) characters must backslash # escape the comma (i.e. '\,') # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # L O G S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the configuration for the logging system. In most cases # you don't need to modify anything. However, if you wish to add more # facilities or modify the existing settings, then you can do so. # # destination.file: A path relative to the web app root # ------------------------------------------------------------------- services.TurbineLoggingService.facilities=system,debug,security services.TurbineLoggingService.default=system services.TurbineLoggingService.loggingConfig=org.apache.turbine.services.logging.PropertiesLoggingConfig # A facility for system logging. services.TurbineLoggingService.system.destination.file=/WEB-INF/log/jetspeed.log services.TurbineLoggingService.system.className=org.apache.turbine.services.logging.FileLogger services.TurbineLoggingService.system.level=INFO # A facility for debuging applications. Messages will go both # to the log file and the server console. services.TurbineLoggingService.debug.destination.file=/WEB-INF/log/jetspeed.log services.TurbineLoggingService.debug.destination.console=true services.TurbineLoggingService.debug.className=org.apache.turbine.services.logging.FileLogger services.TurbineLoggingService.debug.level=INFO # A facility for security audit. NOTE! As of 23 Jan 2001 # Turbine does not have any standard security auditing # functionality. It's up to your application. services.TurbineLoggingService.security.destination.file=/WEB-INF/log/jetspeed.log services.TurbineLoggingService.security.className=org.apache.turbine.services.logging.FileLogger services.TurbineLoggingService.security.level=INFO # An example configuration for automatic log rotation using Log4Java # This will keep the log file size under 1MB and save up to 5 bakup copies services.TurbineLoggingService.rotation.destination.file=/WEB-INF/log/jetspeed.log services.TurbineLoggingService.rotation.file.size=1048576 services.TurbineLoggingService.rotation.file.backups=5 services.TurbineLoggingService.rotation.className=org.apache.turbine.services.logging.Log4JavaLogger services.TurbineLoggingService.rotation.level=INFO # An example configuration for using *NIX syslogd with Log4Java services.TurbineLoggingService.syslog.destination.syslogd.host=my.syslog.server.com services.TurbineLoggingService.syslog.destination.syslogd.facility=LOG_DAEMON services.TurbineLoggingService.syslog.className=org.apache.turbine.services.logging.Log4JavaLogger services.TurbineLoggingService.syslog.level=INFO # An example configuration for using remote Log4Java server services.TurbineLoggingService.remote.destination.remote.host=my.remote.server.com services.TurbineLoggingService.remote.destination.remote.port=1099 services.TurbineLoggingService.remote.className=org.apache.turbine.services.logging.Log4JavaLogger services.TurbineLoggingService.remote.level=INFO # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # SMTP-From header for your outgoing messages # # All failed delivery messages will be returned to this address. # If unset, these messages will be sent to the address in the # From header (standard behaviour) # # Default: null # ------------------------------------------------------------------- mail.smtp.from= # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # M O D U L E C A C H I N G # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This determines whether or not to cache the modules in memory. For # development, turn this off. For production, turn this on. # # Default: false # ------------------------------------------------------------------- module.cache=false # If module.cache=true, then how large should we make the hashtables # by default. action.cache.size=20 layout.cache.size=10 navigation.cache.size=10 page.cache.size=5 screen.cache.size=50 scheduledjob.cache.size=10 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # M O D U L E P A C K A G E S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the "classpath" for Turbine. In order to locate your own # modules, you should add them to this path. For example, if you have # com.company.actions, com.company.screens, com.company.navigations, # then this setting would be "com.company,org.apache.turbine.modules". # This path is searched in order. For example, Turbine comes with a # screen module named "Login". If you wanted to have your own screen # module named "Login", then you would specify the path to your # modules before the others. # # Default: org.apache.turbine.modules # ------------------------------------------------------------------- module.packages=org.apache.jetspeed.modules,org.apache.turbine.modules # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # D A T A B A S E S E T T I N G S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # These are your database settings. Look in the # org.apache.turbine.util.db.pool.* packages for more information. # The default driver for Turbine is for MySQL. # # The parameters to connect to the default database. You MUST # configure these properly. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- database.default.driver=org.hsql.jdbcDriver database.default.url=jdbc:HypersonicSQL:${webappRoot}/WEB-INF/db/jetspeed database.default.username=sa database.default.password= # The number of database connections to cache per ConnectionPool # instance. database.maxConnections=3 # The amount of time (in milliseconds) a connection request will have to wait # before a time out occurs and an error is thrown. # # Default: ten seconds = 10 * 1000 database.connectionWaitTimeout=10000 # The amount of time (in milliseconds) that database connections will be # cached. # # Default: one hour = 60 * 60 * 1000 database.expiryTime=3600000 # The interval (in milliseconds) between which the PoolBrokerService logs # the status of it's ConnectionPools. # # Default: No logging = 0 = 0 * 1000 database.logInterval=0 # These are the supported JDBC drivers and their associated Turbine # adaptor. These properties are used by the DBFactory. You can add # all the drivers you want here. database.adaptor=DBHypersonicSQL database.adaptor.DBHypersonicSQL=org.hsql.jdbcDriver # Determines if the quantity column of the IDBroker's id_table should # be increased automatically if requests for ids reaches a high # volume. database.idbroker.cleverquantity=true # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # T E M P L A T E S E T T I N G S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # These are variables to set if you're using a template system # (Velocity, WebMacro, FreeMarker, etc.) with Turbine. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Used to set the template homepage if you are using a template # layout. # # Default: /index.wm #template.homepage=Home.vm # This is the default screen to show to people when they first access # the system. You can override this by specifying module.packages to # include your own modules. # # Default: Login screen.homepage=Home # This is the template that is shown on an incorrect login attempt. # # Default: Login.jsp # use Login.vm with Velocity template.login=Login.vm #template.login=Login.jsp # This is the page that is shown on an incorrect login attempt. It is # referenced in the LoginUser action # # Default: Login screen.login=Login # This is the default error screen. # # Default: Error screen.error=JspErrorScreen # This is the template that is used by the respective Template based # ErrorScreen for displaying the error. If you are not using a Template based # ErrorScreen, then this is ignored. # # Default: /Error.vm # for JSP templating use: Error.jsp # for Velocity templating use: Error.vm #template.error=Error.jsp template.error=Error.vm # This is the screen that is displayed when the user's web page is in # an invalid state. # # Default: error.InvalidState screen.invalidstate=error.InvalidState # Set the default Doctype. The default Doctype can be set by using # the single strings: Html40Strict, Html40Transitional, or # Html40Frameset. Additionally the default can be supplied as two # strings separated by a comma giving the DTD and URI. # # Default: ignored if not set to some value. #default.doctype=Html40Transitional # This is the default action to log a user in. # Default: LoginUser action.login=JLoginUser # This is the default action to validate whether or not a session is # valid. For example, if you want to make sure if a user has already # logged in or not. # # Default: SessionValidator #action.sessionvalidator=sessionvalidator.TemplateSessionValidator action.sessionvalidator=JetspeedSessionValidator # This is the default action that builds up the AccessControlList for # the individual users session. # # Default: AccessController action.accesscontroller=AccessController # This is the default layout to apply. # # Default: DefaultLayout # for JSP templating use: JetspeedJspLayout # for VM templating use: VelocityOnlyLayout #layout.default=JetspeedLayout layout.default=VelocityOnlyLayout #layout.default=JetspeedJspLayout # # This is the default page module. You probably do not want to modify # this. # # Default: DefaultPage # for JSP templating use: JetspeedJspPage # for VM templating use: JetspeedVelocityPage #page.default=DefaultPage #page.default=JetspeedTemplatePage page.default=JetspeedVelocityPage #page.default=JetspeedJspPage # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # J N D I C O N T E X T S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This indicates whether Turbine should try to create JNDI contexts. # # Default: false # # contexts=true # These are the JNDI context properties. Each context's properties # are defined by the properties beginning with context.name. # # Default: none # # Example: The following will create a JNDI context named "name" in # the data.contexts Hashtable. It will point at the RMI registry on # localhost running on port 1099, and will use # com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.RegistryContextFactory as the initial # context factory: # # context.name.java.naming.provider.url=rmi://localhost:1099 # context.name.java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.RegistryContextFactory # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # P E E R S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Supplies Turbine with information about the database schema, which # can simplify any required Peer classes. # # Default: org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder # ------------------------------------------------------------------- database.maps.builder=org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # M E S S A G E S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Note that strings containing "," (comma) characters must backslash # escape the comma (i.e. '\,') # The message that can be displayed before a user logs in. login.message=Please login to Jetspeed # The message that can be displayed when no screen is defined. login.message.noscreen=There has been an error. Your session is valid but the screen variable is not defined. # The message that can be displayed when a user enters an incorrect # password or username. login.error=Sorry your username or password is incorrect! # The message that can be displayed when a user logs out. logout.message=Thank you for using the system. Please come back soon. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # S E C U R E S O C K E T S L A Y E R # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Whether the web server is able to use SSL. Links in Turbine can # check this property to determine if SSL can be used. # # Default: true # ------------------------------------------------------------------- use.ssl=true # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # S E R V I C E S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Classes for Turbine Services should be defined here. # Format: services.[name].classname=[implementing class] # # To specify properties of a service use the following syntax: # service.[name].[property]=[value] # ------------------------------------------------------------------- services.TurbineResourceService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.resources.TurbineResourceService services.TurbineLoggingService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.logging.TurbineLoggingService services.TurbineFactoryService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService services.TurbinePoolService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePoolService services.TurbineRunDataService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunDataService services.TurbineServletService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServletService services.TurbineAssemblerBrokerService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.TurbineAssemblerBrokerService services.TurbineLocalizationService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService services.TurbineGlobalCacheService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCacheService services.TurbineSchedulerService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService #services.TurbineXmlRpcService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService services.TurbineUniqueIdService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.TurbineUniqueIdService services.TurbineUploadService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUploadService services.TurbineSecurityService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService services.PoolBrokerService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.db.TurbinePoolBrokerService services.MapBrokerService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.db.TurbineMapBrokerService services.TurbinePullService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePullService #services.IntakeService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntakeService # Turn on the appropriate template service. services.TurbineVelocityService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocityService services.JspService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.TurbineJspService #services.TurbineTemplateService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService services.TurbineTemplateService.classname=org.apache.jetspeed.services.template.JetspeedTemplateService # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # R U N D A T A S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default implementations of base interfaces for request processing. # Additional configurations can be defined by using other keys # in the place of the key. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- services.TurbineRunDataService.default.run.data=org.apache.jetspeed.services.rundata.DefaultJetspeedRunData services.TurbineRunDataService.default.parameter.parser=org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultParameterParser services.TurbineRunDataService.default.cookie.parser=org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultCookieParser # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # A S S E M B L E R B R O K E R S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # A list of AssemblerFactory classes that will be registered # with TurbineAssemblerBrokerService # ------------------------------------------------------------------- services.TurbineAssemblerBrokerService.screen=org.apache.turbine.util.assemblerbroker.java.JavaScreenFactory #services.TurbineAssemblerBrokerService.screen=org.apache.turbine.util.assemblerbroker.python.PythonScreenFactory services.TurbineAssemblerBrokerService.action=org.apache.turbine.util.assemblerbroker.java.JavaActionFactory services.TurbineAssemblerBrokerService.layout=org.apache.turbine.util.assemblerbroker.java.JavaLayoutFactory services.TurbineAssemblerBrokerService.page=org.apache.turbine.util.assemblerbroker.java.JavaPageFactory services.TurbineAssemblerBrokerService.navigation=org.apache.turbine.util.assemblerbroker.java.JavaNavigationFactory services.TurbineAssemblerBrokerService.scheduledjob=org.apache.turbine.util.assemblerbroker.java.JavaScheduledJobFactory # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # T E M P L A T E S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Roughly, the number of templates in each category. # # Defaults: layout=2, navigation=10, screen=50 services.TurbineTemplateService.layout.cache.size=2 services.TurbineTemplateService.navigation.cache.size=10 services.TurbineTemplateService.screen.cache.size=50 # The extension that will be used when constructing default template # names. E.g. if set to wm the service will assume layout names of # "default.wm". # # Default: html # for JSP templating use: jsp # for Velocity templating use: vm services.TurbineTemplateService.default.extension=vm #services.TurbineTemplateService.default.extension=jsp # The location of the templates. This should be the same locations as # given for the template engine specific template path property. For # jsdk 2.2 this can be relative to the webapp root. # # Default: /templates # for JSP templating use: /WEB-INF/templates/jsp # for Velocity templating use: /WEB-INF/templates/vm services.TurbineTemplateService.template.path=/WEB-INF/templates/vm #services.TurbineTemplateService.template.path=/WEB-INF/templates/jsp # This is the default navigation module after none by the name Default # have been located. Some possible values are WebMacroSiteNavigation # or BaseFreeMarkerNavigation. # # Default: none # for JSP templating use: BaseJspNavigation # for Velocity templating use: VelocityNavigation services.TurbineTemplateService.default.navigation=VelocityNavigation #services.TurbineTemplateService.default.navigation=BaseJspNavigation # This is the default screen module after none by the name Default # have been located. Some possible values are WebMacroSiteScreen or # BaseFreeMarkerScreen. # # Default: none # for JSP templating use: BaseJspScreen # for Velocity templating use: VelocityScreen services.TurbineTemplateService.default.screen=VelocityScreen #services.TurbineTemplateService.default.screen=BaseJspScreen # This is the default layout template after none by the name # default.{default.extension} have been located. # # Default: /default.{default.extension} services.TurbineTemplateService.default.layout.template=/default # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # P U L L S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # These are the properties for the Pull Service, the service # that works in conjuction with the Turbine Pull Model API. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This determines whether the non-request tools are refreshed # on each request (request tools aren't ever, because they're # instantiated for the request only anyway). services.TurbinePullService.tools.per.request.refresh=true # These are tools that are placed in the context by the service # These tools will be made available to all your # templates. You list the tools in the following way: # # tool.. = # # is the tool scope: global, request, session # or persistent (see below for more details) # is the name of the tool in the context # # For example: # # tool.global.ui = org.apache.turbine.util.pull.UIManager # tool.global.mm = org.apache.turbine.util.pull.MessageManager # tool.request.link = org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateLink # tool.request.page = org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplatePageAttributes # # (the next two examples specify mythical classes) # # tool.session.basket = org.sample.tools.ShoppingBasket # tool.persistent.ui = org.sample.tools.PersistentUIManager # # # Tools are accessible in all templates by the given # to the tool. So for the above listings the UIManager would # be available as $ui, the MessageManager as $mm, the TemplateLink # as $link and the TemplatePageAttributes as $page. # # Scopes: # global: tool is instantiated once and that instance is available # to all templates for all requests. Tool must be threadsafe. # # request: tool is instantiated once for each request (although the # PoolService is used to recycle instances). Tool need not # be threadsafe. # # session: tool is instantiated once for each user session, and is # stored in the user's temporary hashtable. Tool should be # threadsafe. # # persistent: tool is instantitated once for each use session, and # is stored in the user's permanent hashtable. This means # for a logged in user the tool will be persisted in the # user's objectdata. Tool should be threadsafe and # Serializable. # # Defaults: none tool.request.link=org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateLink tool.request.page=org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplatePageAttributes tool.request.content=org.apache.turbine.util.ContentURI tool.request.clink=org.apache.jetspeed.util.template.ContentTemplateLink tool.request.jlink=org.apache.jetspeed.util.template.JetspeedTemplateLink tool.request.jetspeed=org.apache.jetspeed.util.template.JetspeedTool #tool.request.om=org.apache.turbine.om.OMTool #tool.request.intake=org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool #tool.global.ui=org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.UIManager tool.global.config=org.apache.jetspeed.services.resources.JetspeedResources # The UI Manager will allow you to skin your Turbine # application using simple properties files that are # located in the WEBAPP/resources/ui/skins/ directory # hierarchy. tool.ui.skin=default # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # V E L O C I T Y S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # The location of Velocity configuration file, relative to webapp root # These properties will override the default properties set by Velocity. # You should specify the path to the templates directories as well as # the path to the log file and they should also be relative to webapp root #services.TurbineVelocityService.properties=/WEB-INF/conf/velocity.properties #services.TurbineVelocityService.log=/logs/velocity.log #services.TurbineVelocityService.templates=/templates services.TurbineVelocityService.runtime.log=/WEB-INF/log/velocity.log #services.TurbineVelocityService.template.encoding= services.TurbineVelocityService.velocimacro.library = GlobalMacros.vm services.TurbineVelocityService.resource.loader = file services.TurbineVelocityService.file.resource.loader.description = Velocity File Resource Loader services.TurbineVelocityService.file.resource.loader.class = org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.FileResourceLoader services.TurbineVelocityService.file.resource.loader.path = /WEB-INF/templates/vm services.TurbineVelocityService.file.resource.loader.cache = false services.TurbineVelocityService.file.resource.loader.modificationCheckInterval = 2 services.TurbineVelocityService.resource.loader = classpath services.TurbineVelocityService.classpath.resource.loader.description = Velocity Classpath Resource Loader services.TurbineVelocityService.classpath.resource.loader.class = org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # W E B M A C R O S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # The location of WebMacro configuration file, relative to webapp # root. services.TurbineWebMacroService.properties=/WEB-INF/conf/WebMacro.properties # The path where WebMacro will look for templates, relative to webapp # root. Use your system's path separator to specify multiple paths. services.TurbineWebMacroService.templates=/WEB-INF/templates/wm # The class that will act as a template provider in webmacro. We can # use default class from WebMacro (template path above is pushed into # WebMacro configuration mechanism, so that class can pick it up), or # some other custom class services.TurbineWebMacroService.templates.provider=org.apache.turbine.services.webmacro.TurbineTemplateProvider # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # F R E E M A R K E R S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # The path where FreeMarker will look for templates, relative to # webapp root, if supported by the servlet engine. # # Default: /templates services.TurbineFreeMarkerService.templates=/templates # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # J S P S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Path to the JSP templates and the dafault JSP layout # ------------------------------------------------------------------- services.JspService.templates=/WEB-INF/templates/jsp services.JspService.screen.error.NotLoggedIn=ErrorNotLoggedIn services.JspService.buffer.size=8192 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # U P L O A D S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Wheter the files should be automaticaly picked up by # ParameterParser. services.TurbineUploadService.automatic=false # # The directory where files will be temporarily stored. # services.TurbineUploadService.repository=${webappRoot}/WEB-INF/tmp # # The maximum size of a request that will be processed. # services.TurbineUploadService.size.max=1048576 # # The maximum size of a request that will have it's elements cached in # memory by TurbineUploadService class. # services.TurbineUploadService.size.threshold=10240 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # L O C A L I Z A T I O N S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default ResourceBundle and language/country codes used by the # TurbineLocalizationService. # locale.default.bundle=org.apache.jetspeed.modules.localization.JetspeedLocalization locale.default.language=en locale.default.country=US # # This will set the charset= portion of the ContentType: header. # Leave commented out unless you want to return stuff as a different # charset. locale.default.charset=UTF-8 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # S C H E U D U L E R S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set enabled to true to start the scheduler. # # Default = false # scheduler.enabled=false # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # S E C U R I T Y S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This is the class that implements the User interface. # You want to override this setting only if you want your User # implementation to provide application specific addtional # functionality. # # Default: org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser # services.TurbineSecurityService.user.class=org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser # # This setting is DBSecurityService specific - this class is consulted for the names # of the columns in the users' tables for the purpose of creating join queries. # If you use your own User implementation in conjunction with DBSecurityService, # it's peer class must implement org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.UserPeer interface, # and you need to specify the name of the peer class here. # # Defalut: org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer # services.TurbineSecurityService.userPeer.class=org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer # # This is the class that implements UserManager interface. # Override this setting if you want your User information stored # on a different medium (LADP directory is a good example). # Default implementation uses Peers and a relational database . # services.TurbineSecurityService.user.manager=org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBUserManager # # This is used by the SecurityService to make the password checking # secure. When enabled, passwords are transformed by a one-way # function into a sequence of bytes that is base64 encoded. # It is impossible to guess the plain-text form of the password # from the representation. When user logs in, the entered password # is transformed the same way and then compared with stored value. # # Default: false # services.TurbineSecurityService.secure.passwords=false # # This property lets you choose what digest algorithm will be used # for encrypting passwords. Check documentation of your JRE for # available algorithms. # # Default: SHA # services.TurbineSecurityService.secure.passwords.algorithm=SHA # Configuration for the LDAP Security Service implementation #services.TurbineSecurityService.ldap.security.athentication=simple #services.TurbineSecurityService.ldap.port= #services.TurbineSecurityService.ldap.host= #services.TurbineSecurityService.ldap.admin.username= #services.TurbineSecurityService.ldap.admin.password= #services.TurbineSecurityService.ldap.user.basesearch= #services.TurbineSecurityService.ldap.user.search.filter= #services.TurbineSecurityService.ldap.dn.attribute=userPrincipalName #services.TurbineSecurityService.ldap.provider=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # X M L R P C S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This property specifies which class should be used to parse # xml for XmlRpc functionality. # # Default: org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser # services.TurbineXmlRpcService.parser=org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser # This property specifies which port the server part of the XmlRpc # should listen, if it is active. # # Default: 12345 services.TurbineXmlRpcService.port=12345 # If any classes are specified here, the Service will create an # instance of them here and start up a listener on the specified # port. # # Note that the handlers demonstrated are not very useful. You # will have to invent your own services. They do however # illustrate that any class with a default constructor can be # added here # # The handler parameter without further extension determines # the default handler for the service # # Default: no classes are specified by default #services.TurbineXmlRpcService.handler.$default=java.util.Hashtable #services.TurbineXmlRpcService.handler.stringhandler=java.lang.String # The following properties allow the transfer of data between # separate Turbine applications running on different servers. # This allows B2B type behavior such as sending database # updates in the form of XML or whatever type of data # that needs to be shared between Turbine applications # running on separate servers. services.TurbineXmlRpcService.handler.file = org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util.FileHandler services.TurbineXmlRpcService.paranoid = false services.TurbineXmlRpcService.acceptClient = 192.168.1.* services.TurbineXmlRpcService.denyClient = # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # P O O L S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default capacity of pools of the Object pooling service. # # Default: 128 services.TurbinePoolService.pool.capacity = 128 # Class specific capacities used instead of the default if specified. # #services.TurbinePoolService.pool.capacity.org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData=512 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # F A C T O R Y S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # A comma separated list of classloaders (very optional) # # Example: org.foo.bar.MyClassLoader, org.ack.joe.YourClassLoader # #services.TurbineFactoryService.class.loaders= # Customized factories to be used instead of the default factory. # E.g. to instantiate XML parsers, SSL sockets, etc., which require # specific instantiation not supported by the default factory. # The property name is prefixed with "factory" followed by the # name of the production class. The value is the class name of # the factory implementing the Factory interface. The factory # will be instantiated by using the service itself. # # Examples: # # services.TurbineFactoryService.factory.javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder=org.foo.xml.DomBuilderFactory # services.TurbineFactoryService.factory.javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser=org.foo.xml.SaxParserFactory # services.TurbineFactoryService.factory.java.net.ServerSocket=org.foo.net.SslServerSocketFactory #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # # P A R A M E T E R P A R S E R # #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This variable controls the case folding applied to URL variable # names. # # Allowed values: none, lower, upper # Default: lower # url.case.folding=lower # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # A D D I T I O N A L P R O P E R T I E S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # The full path name to an additional properties file. Properties in # this file will be included in this property set. Duplicate name # values will be replaced, so be careful. # # Default: none # ------------------------------------------------------------------- include=JetspeedResources.properties