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PSML Browser Portlet

Class Name : org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets.PsmlBrowseAction


Presents a hierarchical tree browser of all PSML resources in the system. The browser supports the following actions:

  • Edit - Customize the selected PSML resource by clicking on the PSML resource name.
  • Delete - Delete the selected PSML resource by clicking on the 'Delete' hyperlink.
  • Clone - Copy the selected PSML resource to another location by clicking on the 'Clone' hyperlink.
  • Add - (left off

Supported Media Types

Description of Media Types.

  • html

Element: parameter

Parameter that control the how the web page is converted into a portlet.

This element is optional.

Parameters common to many portlets.

Parameter Name Description
sql The SQL String. Can be any valid SQL Query for your configured database. However it is required that the query returns at least one column. All selected columns of are represented as columns in the grid.
windowSize The number of rows presented in the grid at one time.
template The Velocity template to layout the database grid HTML in view mode. For many cases the default template is sufficient.
customizeTemplate The Velocity templated to layout the database grid HTML in customize mode. For many cases the default template is sufficient.
poolName To use a different Torque database connection pool than the default Torque pool. See the Jakarta Torque project documentation for more information on database connection pools.

Example of Registry Entry
    <portlet-entry name="DatabaseBrowserTest" hidden="false" type="ref"
        parent="DatabaseBrowserPortlet" application="false">
            <description>Simple Test Database Browser Portlet Example</description>
        <parameter name="template" value="database-browser-portlet" hidden="false"/>
        <parameter name="customizeTemplate" value="database-browser-customize" hidden="false"/>
        <parameter name="action" value="portlets.browser.DatabaseBrowserAction" hidden="false"/>
        <parameter name="sql" value="select * from coffees" hidden="false"/>
        <!-- to use an alternate torque pool, set this parameter -->
        <!-- parameter name="poolname" value="otherpool" hidden="false"/-->
        <parameter name="windowSize" value="5" hidden="false"/>
        <media-type ref="html"/>

Example of use in Portal
        <entry id="P-ef1547a162-10018" parent="DatabaseBrowserTest">
            <parameter name="sql" value="select * from coffees"/>
            <parameter name="windowSize" value="10"/>


    Warning: this version of the portlet only supports vector-based result sets. This means that all rows from the result set are loaded into memory. Future releases will support a 'virtual' database browser, which will not load the entire result set into memory.

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