Oops, I guess I didn't follow protocol with the list's rules on attachments ... Seems Netscape Messenger encodes even a text file. (Maybe I'll go back to pine :-) Anyway, here's my Solaris recipe; simple install, no integration with apache. I uninstalled my own Jetspeed and re-installed following the directions, so I it should work pretty well for others. Probably minimal changes for other unix variants. Comments/changes are welcome. -- Brian Installation instructions for Apache Jetspeed v1.2b1 on Solaris8/JDK1.2 (June 2000) Brian Doherty ---------------------------------------------------------------- These instructions are known to work on Sun Solaris 8 (SPARC); this version of Solaris comes with Java (v1.2.1) in /usr/java. I set an environment variable to point to this JAVA_HOME, like this: # setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/java I didn't set any CLASSPATH environment variable, and things worked OK. If you're using an earlier Solaris, install Java yourself from the URL http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.2/. I don't think there's anything in these instructions that would be different if you're running Solaris on Intel. If you're running an earlier version of Solaris, you'll have to get your own copy of gzip. A good source for this kind of thing is the "Freeware for Solaris" site: http://sunfreeware.com --- To start, download the following required packages: Tomcat: jakarta-tomcat.tar.gz (from http://jakarta.apache.org) Jetspeed: Jetspeed-1.2b1.zip (from http://java.apache.org) Installation of Tomcat is straightforward; I put it in the location /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat, but I renamed that so I can remember the version. These instructions have tomcat running as root to start with, but it's advisable to change this (perhaps to a dedicated user like "tomcat") ASAP. I also use a soft link so I can type /usr/local/tomcat later on, and set up an environment variable for TOMCAT_HOME: # cd /usr/local # gzcat /tmp/jakarta-tomcat.tar.gz | tar xf - # mv jakarta-tomcat jakarta-tomcat-3.1 # chown -R root:other ./jakarta-tomcat-3.1 # ln -s jakarta-tomcat-3.1 tomcat # setenv TOMCAT_HOME /usr/local/tomcat Tomcat starts up with essentially no work. Go to the bin directory and use the supplied shell scripts as-is. I get rid of the .bat files, and copy tomcat.sh to /etc/init.d so I can use a familiar mechanism to start/stop: # cd $TOMCAT_HOME/bin # rm *.bat # cp tomcat.sh /etc/init.d/tomcat # ./startup.sh or # /etc/init.d/tomcat start Then prove to yourself that tomcat is up by taking a look at the default page, which is located at $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ROOT/index.html. You should note that $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ROOT doesn't exist until you start up tomcat the first time. It's all in the file ROOT.war until then. # netscape http://yourhost:8080/ Check out the various jsp/sevlet examples, and look at the admin page at http://yourhost:8080/admin/. Then shut down to work on Jetspeed: # ./shutdown.sh or # /etc/init.d/tomcat stop --- Now unpack the Jetspeed distribution into /usr/local; again, it's owned by root for now, but you should change that once it's all running OK. # cd /usr/local # unzip /tmp/Jetspeed-1.2b1.zip # chown -R root:other ./Jetspeed-1.2b1 # ln -s Jetspeed-1.2b1 jetspeed # cd jetspeed Put Jetspeed's web content, java jars and configuration files in a place Tomcat will find them: # cp -R ./src/content $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ROOT # cp Jetspeed.jar ./lib/*.jar $TOMCAT_HOME/lib # cp ./src/config/* $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF As noted above, you need to have started tomcat before this, so the ROOT directory exists. Now modify the tomcat config files. I use vi here, but of course any text editor will work: emacs, dtedit, nedit ... # cd $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF # vi web.xml This should be the complete contents of this web.xml: # --- snip here --- jetspeed Turbine properties WEB-INF/TurbineResources.properties # --- snip here --- # vi TurbineResources.properties There is only one line that MUST be modified in this file; here is the modified line (all on one line, with no spaces at all: jetspeed.properties=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/JetspeedResources.properties You should also note the line "logfile=/tmp/turbine.log"; you can change its location if you like, maybe to $TOMCAT_HOME/logs. In any case, you need to create this file and make sure it can be written to by the tomcat process: # touch /tmp/turbine.log # chown root:other /tmp/turbine.log # chmod u+w /tmp/turbine.log Next, edit the JetspeedResources.properties. # vi JetspeedResources.properties Here, there are three lines that MUST be changed; they should look like this: cocoon.properties.file=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/cocoon.properties public.cache.directory=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/jetspeed-cache enable.userauthentication=false You MUST create the jetspeed-cache file, and make sure it is writable: # mkdir /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/jetspeed-cache # chown root:other /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/jetspeed-cache # chmod u+w /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/jetspeed-cache (You might want to put this jetspeed-cache directory somewhere else. It might get large with use; I don't have enough experience to know.) The Jetspeed docs say you don't need the authentication database, since it's turned off by default. However, as of Jetspeed-1.2, it seems that the distributed JetspeedResources.properties file has userauthentication enabled. So, change it to false, or set up MySQL and its JDBC drivers by following the instructions in the "Optional" section below. There are two other lines that you just need to observe: admin.username=jetspeed admin.password=changeme These are used for the Jetspeed administration GUI. That's it! You're there: # /etc/init.d/tomcat start # netscape http://yourhost:8080/servlet/jetspeed/ Take a look as well at the administration GUI: # netscape http://yourhost:8080/servlet/jetspeed/screen/Admin/ The username and password are those you set, as noted above, in the file JetspeedResources.properties. These instructions bring up the default as-distributed implementation of Jetspeed 1.2b1. I hope instructions on how to achieve various common goals with Jetspeed will be forthcoming in an follow-up document. --- Optional packages: MySQL: mysql-3.22.32-sun-solaris2.5.1-sparc.tar.gz (from http://web.mysql.com/Downloads/MySQL-3.22/) JDBC driver for MySQL: mm-mysql-2.0.1-bin.jar (from http://www.worldserver.com/mm.mysql/) Download these packages, and put the MySQL binary distribution in /usr/local. (My experience, and some messages I've seen in various mailing lists, shows that installing MySQL on Solaris from source is tricky. So, I use the binary distribution even though I prefer to compile my own programs in general.) # cd /usr/local # gzcat /tmp/mysql-3.22.32-sun-solaris2.5.1-sparc.tar.gz | tar xf - # chown -R root:other mysql-3.22.32-sun-solaris2.5.1-sparc # ln -s mysql-3.22.32-sun-solaris2.5.1-sparc mysql # cd mysql Read the installation docs here; it isn't too hard to bring this up. I recommend phpMyAdmin for an administration GUI; get it from the URL http://www.php.net -> Projects -> phpMyAdmin. You'll need a PHP-enabled web server to use it, though. Then put the MySQL JDBC jar file where Tomcat will find it: # cp /tmp/mm-mysql-2.0.1-bin.jar $TOMCAT_HOME/lib --- Other packages that you may need for optional features of Jetspeed: JSDK: jsdk20-solaris2-sparc.tar.Z (from http://java.sun.com/products/servlet/download.html) JavaMail: javamail1_1_3.zip (from http://java.sun.com/products/javamail/) JavaBeans Activation Framework: jaf1_0_1.zip (from http://java.sun.com/beans/glasgow/jaf.html)