*********************** * OVERVIEW * *********************** This is a packaged distribution of both Tomcat and Jetspeed. It should be totally configured to run on your system. All you should need to do is run ./start-jetspeed.sh and you should be done. In order to run. - exec ./bin/startup-jetspeed.sh or ./bin/startup-jetspeed.bat (depending on your platform (UNIX or Windows)) - go to: http://localhost:8080/jetspeed Directories: ./bin -> Stores all files used to start Jetspeed ./jetspeed-dist -> Stores the current Jetspeed distribution ./jetspeed-system -> Stores Jetspeed configuration ./tomcat -> Stores Tomcat *********************** * DEVELOPER NOTES * *********************** This directory might contain duplicate files from the original Jetspeed distribution. The source files should be based on the files not in this directory. Note that if you modify the source files you should sync up with this directory. This distribution should come with a Hypersonic SQL database already setup. *********************** * BUILDING * *********************** - run build.sh tomcat-build - This should build Jetspeed and generally prepare the tar.gz *********************** * TODO * *********************** FIX ME: Add TurbineResources.properties and JetspeedResources.properties into CVS.