------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A Java Servlet Engine/Container. Must be compatible with the Servlet 2.2 API. Note that Jetspeed is developed under Tomcat (http://jakarta.apache.org), so this is the most desirable platform. JDK 1.2 or higher Java Virtual Machine. Jetspeed has been tested on most SUN and IBM Virtual Machines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the instruction for installing the Jetspeed war application ---------------------------------------- 1. Get a Servlet 2.2 runner (container) ----------------------------------------- We use Tomcat in this installation. The Tomcat homepage can be found at: http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/ -------------------------------- 2. Unzip the Tomcat distribution -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Copy the Jetspeed WAR file to the Tomcat webapps directory --------------------------------------------------------------- [Win32] copy \jetspeed.war \webapps\ [Unix] cp /jetspeed.war /webapps/ ---------------- 4. Start Tomcat ---------------- [Win32] \bin\startup.bat [Unix] /bin/startup.sh ----------------------- 5. Connect to Jetspeed ----------------------- From your browser, go to: http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/ There are 2 default accounts created for you to logon with: Login: turbine Password: turbine Login: admin Password: jetspeed --------------------------- 7a. New User Registration --------------------------- When signing up a new user in Jetspeed, the registration process includes a step where an email is sent to the new user. In order for this process to work on Windows NT or 2000, you will need to have a local SMTP server running. The Apaches James Mail Enterprise Server is available from: http://jakarta.apache.org/james/ The mail host settings will need to be modified: /webapps/jetspeed/WEB-INF/conf/TurbineResources.properties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jetspeed uses Turbine's security model to authorize users and persist minimal user information. Turbine security should work with any JDBC 2.0 compliant driver. The following databases are tested: DB2 Hypersonic SQL MySQL Oracle Postgres Sybase Jetspeed is distributed with a populated Hypersonic-SQL database. This database is selected as the default database in the TurbineResources.properties file. To configure Jetspeed with a different database, modify the TurbineResources.properties file. Here is an example for Oracle: database.default.driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver database.default.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@:1521: database.default.username= database.default.password= You will need to replace: the host of the Oracle instance, such as localhost the name of Oracle database sid at the host the oracle user(schema) name The TurbineResources.properties file can be found in /webapp/WEB-INF/conf. The database scripts for setting up the database are included with the source code distribution, under the src/sql/external folder. Run the appropriate script, such as turbine-db2.sql for DB2, to create the database tables. This step is not necessary with Hypersonic SQL. To populate the database, a script is provided in the source code distribution : /src/sql/external/default_roles_persmissions.sql. Only run the statements for your specific database as commented. The script will create two database users: Login: turbine Password: turbine Login: admin Password: jetspeed