## ## Calculate the URI for the logo ## #if ($config.getString("topnav.logo.file")) #set ($LogoFile = $config.getString("topnav.logo.file")) #set ($LogoURI = $clink.setURI("$LogoFile").Absolute) #else #set ($LogoURI = $config.getString("topnav.logo.url")) #end
#if ($data.User.hasLoggedIn()) ## ## This is the top naviation bar displayed for a logged in user ## ## ## Display the company logo with link back to the the portal home page ## ## ## Display the welcome message. This is typicaly where a Banner AD is displayed ## ## ## Right column of top navigation bar. Here we are displaying the ## user's name, link(s) to page customizers, link to account editor, logout ##


## Leave space between last line and content
$l10n.TOP_USERWELCOMEMSG $!data.User.FirstName $!data.User.LastName  
$l10n.TOP_EDITACCOUNT $data.User.UserName
#else ## ## This is the top naviation bar displayed for the anonymous user, i.e. they are not logged in ## ## ## Display the company logo with link back to the the portal home page ## ## ## Display the welcome message. This is typicaly where a Banner AD is displayed ## ## ## Right column of top navigation bar. ## Optionally allow user login. Required for user creation ## Optionally allow user creation. ## #if( $config.getBoolean("topnav.user_login.enable") == true) #end


#if ( $config.getBoolean("automatic.logon.enable") == true ) #end ## Leave space between last line and content
#if( $config.getBoolean("topnav.user_creation.enable") == true) $l10n.TOP_CREATENEWACCOUNT  |  #end $l10n.TOP_LOGINHELP