The Apache POI web site instructions -------------------------------- The POI web site is based on .xml files which are transformed into .html files using Apache Forrest and Ant. DO NOT EDIT THE .html files in the publish directory. Please follow the directions below for updating the website. To generate the site for POI: 1. check out the sources: svn co 2. make sure you're using Forrest 0.9.x and set the FORREST_HOME environment variable 3. set the POI_HOME environment variable to point to POI trunk. You will need it to build javadocs 4. to republish only the javadocs, run "ant javadocs", then commit the changes under ./publish/apidocs/dev/ 5. to update the site, first update documentation files in ./src/documentation/content/xdocs/ 6. fetch the changelog from Bugzilla, and merge this with the changes file cd src/documentation/content/xdocs python3 changes.xml status.xml TODO Is this fully correct? Is this still needed? 7. run "ant site" - it will generate the complete web site To build only Javadocs, run "ant javadocs" To build only the html pages using Forrest, run "ant docs" 8. make sure you svn add any new files svn status svn add ... 9. check in changes in src and publish svn ci