Welcome to Pivot ================ Apache Pivot is a platform for building rich internet applications in Java. It combines the enhanced productivity and usability features of a modern RIA toolkit with the robustness of the industry-standard Java platform. Like most modern development platforms, Pivot provides a comprehensive set of foundation classes that together comprise a "framework". These classes form the building blocks upon which more complex and sophisticated applications can be built. Pivot classes are grouped into the following categories and distributed in their associated libraries: Distribution JARs ================= * Core (pivot-core-incubating.jar): A set of common, non-UI-specific classes. * WTK (pivot-wtk-incubating.jar, pivot-wtk-incubating.terra.jar): Classes for user interface development, including windows, dialogs, buttons, lists, text input, layout, drag and drop, XML markup, etc. * Web (pivot-web-incubating.jar, pivot-web-incubating.server.jar): Classes to facilitate communication with and implementation of remote data services. * Charting (pivot-charts-incubating.jar): Classes for adding interactive charting capabilities to Pivot applications. * Tools (pivot-tools-incubating.jar): Development tools and utility applications. * StAX (stax-1.2.0.jar, stax-api-1.0.jar) Streaming API for XML reference implementation.* To begin developing with Pivot, simply include the necessary libraries on your project classpath. * Pivot includes a repackaged version of the StAX libraries, which includes a service descriptor for the javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory class (the code is otherwise unchanged). An external StAX library is required when using Java 5; however, this modified version is also recommended for web deployment in Java 6 or above to avoid needless requests to the web server: the service resolution process employed by many JDK factory methods looks on the classpath for a service descriptor file; since an applet's classpath also contains its codebase, the JRE will look for this file on the web server if it is not found in an archive JAR. Such requests can have a noticeable impact on runtime performance, especially for slow or unresponsive web servers. Another alternative is to set the codebase_lookup applet parameter to false. However, this parameter requires Java 6 or later and also precludes the use of dynamically generated WTKX on the server. These libraries are not necessary or recommended for desktop deployment in Java 6+. Dependencies ============ Pivot requires Java 5 or greater. * WTKX support in Java 5 requires a compatible StAX 1.0 implementation. A modified version of the StAX reference implementation is included with the Pivot distribution, as described above. The original version of this library is available from http://stax.codehaus.org. * Pivot's charting components require a compatible chart provider. No such provider is included in this release, but one is available here: http://code.google.com/p/pivot-jfree/ Version 1.1 of this provider is compatible with Pivot 1.2. Please note that this provider has a dependency on JFreeChart, which is licensed under LGPL. * Scripting support requires a compatible script engine. See http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=223 or http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/scripting/index.html for more information. Documentation ============= Pivot home page: http://incubator.apache.org/pivot Wiki: http://cwiki.apache.org/PIVOT/ Javadoc: http://incubator.apache.org/pivot/1.2/docs/api/index.html