These notes are for Pig 0.11.0 release. Highlights ========== This release include several new features and improvements, some of which are highlighted below. For a more complete list of changes see CHANGES.txt. - New RANK, CUBE and ROLLUP operators - New DateType data type - Support for Groovy UDFs - Support for loading macros from jars - Support for custom PigReducerEstimators - Suoport for custom PigProgressNotificatonListeners - Support for schema-based Tuples for reduced memory footprint - Support for passing environment variables to streaming jobs - Support for invoking HCatalog DDL commands from Pig - Support for .pigbootup file for defaults - Improved support for working with Maps in Pig scripts - Grunt improvements: history and clear - New cleanupOnSuccess method in StoreFunc interface - UDF timing utilities - UDF lifecycle improvements - UDFs for DateType support - Performance improvements to merge join - Performance improvements to local mode - Performance improvements to in memory aggregation - Performance improvements to Spillable management - Improvements to HBaseStorage and AvroStorage - Penny has been removed - 300+ bug fixes System Requirements =================== 1. Java 1.6.x or newer, preferably from Sun. Set JAVA_HOME to the root of your Java installation 2. Ant build tool: - to build source only 3. Cygwin: - to run under Windows 4. This release is compatible with all Hadoop 0.20.X, 1.X, 0.23.X and 2.X releases Trying the Release ================== 1. Download pig-0.11.0.tar.gz 2. Unpack the file: tar -xzvf pig-0.11.0.tar.gz 3. Move into the installation directory: cd pig-0.11.0 4. To run pig without Hadoop cluster, execute the command below. This will take you into an interactive shell called grunt that allows you to navigate the local file system and execute Pig commands against the local files bin/pig -x local 5. To run on your Hadoop cluster, you need to set PIG_CLASSPATH environment variable to point to the directory with your hadoop-site.xml file and then run pig. The commands below will take you into an interactive shell called grunt that allows you to navigate Hadoop DFS and execute Pig commands against it export PIG_CLASSPATH=/hadoop/conf bin/pig 6. To build your own version of pig.jar run ant 7. To run unit tests run ant test 8. To build jar file with available user defined functions run commands below. cd contrib/piggybank/java ant 9. To build the tutorial: cd tutorial ant 10. To run tutorial follow instructions in Relevant Documentation ====================== Pig Language Manual(including Grunt commands): UDF Manual: Piggy Bank: Pig Tutorial: Pig Eclipse Plugin (PigPen):