------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one | or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file | distributed with this work for additional information | regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file | to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the | "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance | with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at | | http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 | | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, | WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. | See the License for the specific language governing permissions and | limitations under the License. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The tools in this directory can be used to run Pig's end-to-end tests on Amazon via Apache Whirr. This is useful for those who do not have a cluster available to run them on. In the following text any value that starts "your_" is a value you should fill in. Prerequisites: 1) An account in Amazon's AWS. http://aws.amazon.com/ 2) An Amazon Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. These are not ssh keys. See http://aws-portal.amazon.com/gp/aws/developer/account/index.html?action=access-key Under Access Credentials, you need an Access Key. 3) An RSA SSH key pair that is passphraseless. You may want to generate a pair just for use with the tool to avoid forcing your regular ssh key pair to be passphraseless. They must be RSA, Whirr does not work with any of the other key types. You can generate a pair with the command: ssh-keygen -f your_private_rsa_key_file -t rsa -P '' where your_private_rsa_key_file is the file to store the private key in. 4) Apache Whirr version 0.5 or later. You can download it from http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/incubator/whirr/ To Start a Cluster: export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_amazon_access_key export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_secret_amazon_access_key export SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=your_private_rsa_key_file cd your_path_to_apache_whirr/bin ./whirr launch-cluster --config your_path_to_pig_trunk/test/e2e/pig/whirr/pigtest.properties This will take ~5 minutes and spew various messages on your screen. DO NOT FORGET TO SHUTDOWN YOUR CLUSTER (see below) (unless you think Amazon a worthy cause and wish to donate your extra cash to them). Running the tests: Open the file ~/.whirr/pigtest/hadoop-site.xml and find the line that has "mapred.job.tracker". The next line should have the hostname that is running your Job Tracker. Copy that host name, but NOT the port numbers (ie the :nnnn where nnnn is 9001 or something similar). This value will be referred to as "your_namenode". cd your_path_to_pig_src scp -i your_private_rsa_key_file test/e2e/pig/whirr/whirr_test_patch.sh your_namenode:~ if you have a patch you want to run scp -i your_private_rsa_key_file your_patch your_namenode:~ ssh -i your_private_rsa_key_file your_namenode Now you can run the whirr_test_patch to run some or all of the tests against trunk or against your patch. To run all the tests against trunk, do ./whirr_test_patch.sh To apply your patch and then run the tests, do ./whirr_test_patch.sh -p your_patch To run just some of the tests, do ./whirr_test_patch.sh -t Checkin Multiple -t options can be passed. It takes test group names or individual test names just as the -Dtests.to.run option takes in "ant test-e2e". whirr_test_patch is not idempotent. It downloads necessary packages, checks out trunk, applies your patch if appropriate, and generates the test data and loads into your cluster. Once you have successfully run it once, you should not run it again. If you wish to do additional testing cd src/trunk and run the end-to-end tests via ant as you normally would. Initial setup takes around 5 minutes. Running all of the nightly tests currently (August 2011) takes about 10 hours. When you are just testing a patch for submission your are not expected to run the full suite of tests. Checkin, plus any tests you've added, plus all that cover the area of your change is sufficient. Shutting down your cluster: In the same shell you started the cluster: ./whirr destroy-cluster --config your_path_to_pig_trunk/test/e2e/pig/whirr/pigtest.properties Notes: 1) As noted above, running all of the tests takes about 10 hours. Once you setup your cluster, you are paying for at least one hour. You should easily be able to run a handful of tests in this time to test your patch. 2) This sets up a cluster with 1 machine as Name Node/Job Tracker and 3 Data Nodes/Task Trackers. It uses m1.large images. This is adequate for Pig functional tests, but not for performance testing. 3) The pigtest.properties file is set to default us-east, which has lower rental rates than us-west. 4) You can monitor your Amazon EC2 usage (including billing) at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/ Personally I am paranoid and always check this after shutdown to make sure I'm not still paying for a cluster.