Embperl - building dynamic websites with Perl

Example for using method calls
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(Everything not given here is the same as in the example above)



 sub new
    my $self = shift ; 

    # here we attach some data to the request object
    $self -> {fontsize} = 3 ;

 # Here we give a default title
 sub title { 'Title not given' } ;


 # get the request object of the current request
 $req = shift ;

 # here we call the method new
 $req -> new ;


 <title>[+ $req -> title +]</title>
 [- Execute ('head.htm') -]
 [- Execute ('*') -]
 [- Execute ('foot.htm') -]


    here we use the fontsize
    Note that 
      $foo = $_[0] 
    is the same as writing 
      $foo = shift  

 <font size=[+ $_[0] -> {fontsize} +]>header</font>



 sub new
    my $self = shift ; 

    # here we overwrite the new method form base.htm
    $self -> {fontsize} = 5 ;

 # Here we overwrite the default title
 sub title { 'Title form page 2' } ;



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