Embperl - building dynamic websites with Perl

2.0rc4 19. Juni 2005
[ << Prev: 2.0rc5 7. August 2005 ] [ Content ] [ Next: 2.0rc3 14. March 2005 >> ]
   - Adapted to new mod_perl namespace. Embperl now works correctly
     with mod_perl version >= 2.0rc5 (older version are still supported)
     NOTE: For file uploads to work you also need to upgrade CGI.pm 
   - Fixed problem with Execute when GlobalRequestRec option is not
     set in mod_perl config.
   - use gmtime_r instead of gmtime for time calculation to be thread safe

[ << Prev: 2.0rc5 7. August 2005 ] [ Content ] [ Next: 2.0rc3 14. March 2005 >> ]

© 1997-2023 Gerald Richter / actevy