=head1 NAME Application Servers and Toolkits based on mod_perl. =head1 Overview There are several application servers and toolkits available designed to run under mod_perl. =head1 Apache::ASP C (http://www.apache-asp.org/) provides an Active Server Pages port to the Apache Web Server with Perl scripting only, and enables developing of dynamic web applications with session management and embedded perl code. There are also many powerful extensions, including XML taglibs, XSLT rendering, and new events not originally part of the ASP API =head1 Apache::PageKit C (http://pagekit.org/) is a web application framework that uses C and XML to separate the Model, View, Content and Controller. Provides elegant solutions to many difficult web programming problems, including session management, language localization, authentication, form validation, and co-branding. =head1 AxKit C (http://axkit.org/) is an XML Application Server for Apache. It provides on-the-fly conversion from XML to any format, such as HTML, WAP or text using either W3C standard techniques, or flexible custom code. C also uses a built-in Perl interpreter to provide some amazingly powerful techniques for XML transformation. =head1 The bivio OLTP Platform (bOP) The bivio OLTP Platform (http://www.bivio.biz/hm/why-bOP) (bOP) is a declarative, multi-layered Perl application development framework. Adapters have been written for Apache/mod_perl, sendmail, Oracle, and Postgres. The Model layer generates SQL for CRUD, lists, and HTTP forms. Views are content-independent hierarchies of widgets. Tasks control security, execution order, and state transitions. Facades map qualified names to URLs, strings, fonts, colors, icons, files, and views. bOP provides a full-suite of services including dynamic tracing, configuration, logging, class loading, type hierarchy, unit testing, and acceptance testing. =head1 Bricolage C (http://bricolage.thepirtgroup.com/) is a full-featured, open-source, enterprise-class content management system. It offers a browser-based interface for ease-of use, a full-fledged templating system with complete programming language support for flexibility, and many other features. It operates in an Apache/mod_perl environment, and uses the PostgreSQL RDBMS for its repository. =head1 Embperl C (http://perl.apache.org/embperl/) is a system for building dynamic websites with Perl. It gives you the power to embed Perl code in your HTML documents and the ability to build your Web site out of small reusable objects in an object-oriented style. You can also take advantage of all the usual Perl modules, (including C for database access) use their functionality and easily include their output in your web pages. Embperl has several features which are especially useful for creating HTML, including dynamic tables, form field processing, URL escaping/unescaping, session handling, and more. =head1 Mason C (http://www.masonhq.com/) is a powerful Perl-based web site development and delivery engine. With C you can embed Perl code in your HTML and construct pages from shared, reusable components. C solves the common problems of site development: caching, debugging, templating, simulating browser conditions, maintaining development and production sites, and more =head1 OpenInteract C (http://www.openinteract.org/) is a web application environment written in perl and geared to run on the Apache web server using the mod_perl plugin module. The environment is built to be not only friendly to people editing and changing a website's content, but also for the developers who can write code (or complex templates) and create entire applications. =head1 OpenFrame C (http://openframe.fotango.com/) is an open source application framework for distributed media applications. What all this buzzword-compliant mumbo-jumbo really means is that with OpenFrame you can write a single application for multiple downstream clients (ie, Web, WAP, iDTV, Email) and not have to worry about much except the presentation. =head1 The Template Toolkit The Template Toolkit (http://template-toolkit.org/) is a fast, powerful and easily extensible template processing system written in Perl. It is ideally suited (but not limited) to the creation of static and dynamic web content. The C module provides an Apache/mod_perl interface to the Template Toolkit, providing a quick and simple way to integrate its processing power into your web site. =cut