=head1 NAME Binary mod_perl distributions =head1 Description This document includes links to various binary mod_perl distributions. If you know about a distribution that isn't listed here, please tell us (by announcing it at the mod_perl list). See also L and the L. =head1 How to get pre-compiled mod_perl =over =item * Win32 mod_perl Binaries (made by Randy Kobes) - ftp://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/pub/other/. Grab a perl-win32-bin-x.x.exe self-extracting file. There's accompanying readme files with more details on the particular versions of packages included. These all include Perl and some common modules, so are largish. =item * An experimental mod_perl-2.0 win32 binary package is available at ftp://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/pub/other/Apache2.tar.gz for those Win32 users who want a preview of things to come. This archive will unpack into an "Apache2" directory, underneath which is a "blib" subdirectory containing the necessary perl files. These are included when starting Apache by a modperl directive found near the end of I, where a sample "Hello World" modperl handler is also found. Some editing of I will be necessary if this package is installed in a location other than I<"D:\Apache2">. Within the I subdirectory is some documentation on modperl-2.0. The package was compiled with the cvs sources of Jan 1, 2002, using VC++ 6 and an ActivePerl based on perl-5.6.1. The libmodperl.so library in the Apache I directory will most probably not work with other Apache-2 binary packages. Being under development, there are bugs present; in particular, when stopping an Apache-2 service a memory error results if modperl is enabled. Please let me know of any problems you might have in getting this package installed; for questions/problems on Apache-2, see the docs at http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/, and for modperl-2, see the information at http://perl.apache.org/ on subscribing to the "dev" mailing list. =item * Win32 ActivePerl mod_perl ppms - suitable for builds 6xx. You can install this by, within the ppm shell, setting the repository to I and typing C. This will also run a post-install script to install the required mod_perl.so to your Apache modules/ directory. This mod_perl package is built against the current stable Apache release - earlier versions are available (http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppmpackages/mod_perl-legacy/), as are some ppms of other Apache modules (http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppmpackages/). =item * Static mod_perl and libapreq (Apache::Request) RPMs and SRPMs (made by David Harris ) http://www.davideous.com/modperlrpm/distrib/. Mirrored at http://perl.apache.org/rpm/. =item * i386 RPMs + SRPM (RedHat) of Apache with mod_perl and php3 built staticaly. (made by Vladimir Ivaschenko) http://www.hazard.maks.net/apache/ =item * OS vendors may supply their own pre-compiled version of mod_perl. Refer to your OS vendor to figure out if they provide a binary version of mod_perl. =back =cut