=head1 NAME Contribute to the Documentation =head1 Submit Corrections There is a lot of mod_perl documentation. And we are sure it includes documentation bugs. So if you spot any make sure to report it. The documentation includes code examples, which sometimes were written without testing, so it's possible that they are broken. If some example doesn't work for you, please, let us know. If you notice bad English grammar and speling :), don't hesitate to tell us where and what do you think is the best way to fix it. =head1 Submit New Articles If you have some mod_perl knowledge that is not documented please share it and send us the documentation patch, or a complete new article. This can include installation and configuration scenarious, performance improving tips, debugging techniques and what not. Developers using mod_perl constantly work with other technologies related to mod_perl. If you have spent some time lurking on the mod_perl lists, you have probably discovered that mod_perl developers are pros in many other related fields, such as Apache, Perl, relational databases, etc. If you think that the mod_perl community will find an information about a related technology useful, please submit this information for the inclusion in the documentation. =head1 How to Send Information and Where The documentation contributions and corrections are to be sent to the mod_perl documentation mailing list. If the correction is minor, please specify the URL you are talking about, and preferrably the version number of the document if such is available. If the correction is medium to large, please retrieve the documentation source package or use the cvs repository and submit the patch against the latest version. META: links? =cut