[%- # search widget # this template expects these vars to be set: # doc.dir.abs_doc_root - doc root # doc.dir.path_from_base # search_opitons is an array and hash for generating the drop-down box. -%] [%- PROCESS search_options -%] [%- USE CGI('-no_debug -no_xhtml') -%] [% IF doc.meta.link == 'search/searchresults.html'; PROCESS build_results_search_widgets; ELSE; PROCESS build_std_search_widgets; END; %]
[% PROCESS search_widget %]
[% BLOCK search_widget %] [% search_input %] [% search_options %]
[% END %] [% BLOCK build_results_search_widgets %] [% stag = "[\%" etag = "%\]" %] [% search_input = BLOCK %] [% stag %] CGI.textfield( { name => 'query', size => 12, maxlength => 200, class => 'inp-text', } ) [% etag %] [% END %] [% search_options = BLOCK %] [% stag %] CGI.popup_menu( { Name => 'sbm', Values => search_areas, Labels => search_labels, class => 'inp-select', }) [% etag %] [% IF 0 %] [% stag %] IF search.results [% etag %]
Advanced [% stag %] END [% etag %] [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% BLOCK build_std_search_widgets %] [% search_input = BLOCK %] [% END %] [%- section = PROCESS map_path_to_section path = doc.dir.path_from_base -%] [% search_options = BLOCK %] [% CGI.popup_menu( { Name => 'sbm', Values => search_areas, Labels => search_labels, Default => section, Class => 'inp-select', }) %] [% END %] [% END %] [%- BLOCK map_path_to_section -%] [%- FOR item = search_path_map; IF path.search( item.path ); item.section; RETURN; END; END; -%] [%- END -%]