[%- # main menu # expects to be set: # nav - cache navigator object # rel_doc_root - relative docs path (only for chapters!) # collect the top level data # first go up to the absolute root l = nav; # remember last valid node p = nav.up; WHILE p; l = p; p = p.up; END; p = l; # last valid node IF p.parent_rel_path.defined; prefix = p.parent_rel_path; ELSE; prefix = "."; END; IF rel_doc_root.defined; prefix = "$prefix/$rel_doc_root"; END; # walk through the top level nodes count = 0; selected = 0; current = p; buttons = []; p = p.first; WHILE p; count = count + 1; link = INCLUDE link prefix=prefix link=p.meta.link; IF p.id == current.id; style = 'selectedmenuitem'; td_style = 'sel-bg'; ELSE; style = 'nonselectedmenuitem'; td_style = 'non-sel-bg'; END; buttons.push({link => link, text => p.meta.stitle, style => style, td_style => td_style}); p = p.next; # next node END; -%] [%- WRAPPER wrap_box title = 'perl.apache.org'; -%] [%- FOREACH but = buttons -%]
[%- but.text -%]

[%- END -%] [%- END -%]