################################################### # WARNING: Do not edit this file! # If you do the changes will be lost! # Instead edit the corresponding .txt file and run make.pl # # Don't forget to commit the changes to both .txt and the generated # .pod to cvs, since others won't run the local make.pl #################################################### =head1 NAME mod_perl 2.0 at the biggest Japanese employment site =head1 Batara Kesuma Ebkesuma (at) ml.gaijinweb.comE exclaimed: =over =item * Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 15:20:45 +0900 =item * Traffic: 4 million pageviews / month =item * URL: http://www.find-job.net =back Find Job! http://www.find-job.net is the biggest computer and Internet related employment site in Japan, and it is running on mod_perl completely. We have around 75,000 registered users and 10,000 registered companies. Our pageviews are around 4 million per month. Our whole system was running under plain CGI written in Perl, until recently we changed it to mod_perl ModPerl::PerlRun with HTML::Template templating system. On some scripts we saw up to 400% of speed improvement, and total CPU load average went down around 50%. The change from mod_cgi to mod_perl ModPerl::PerlRun itself was painless at all. Right now we are working on our scripts, to make it mod_perl ModPerl::Registry compatible. We are going to run our site on mod_perl ModPerl::Registry once it is finished, and hope to see some more speed improvement. =cut