################################################### # WARNING: Do not edit this file! # If you do the changes will be lost! # Instead edit the corresponding .txt file and run make.pl # # Don't forget to commit the changes to both .txt and the generated # .pod to cvs, since others won't run the local make.pl #################################################### =head1 NAME Large real-time stock exchange game =head1 Sven Neuhaus ESven.Neuhaus (at) de.uu.netE exclaimed: =over =item * Date: Fri, 05 Jun 1998 16:13:18 +0200 =item * URL: http://www.wmboerse.de =back Hello, another mod_perl success story: Have a look at www.wmboerse.de - it's a german real-time stock exchange simulation game for the soccer world championship. Participation is free and there are some nice prices to be won. The technology used is Apache, mod_perl, DBI and DB::Adabas. The project is sponsored by Sun Microsystems (they are supplying a Sun Ultra Enterprise 450 with 3 CPUs @ 300Mhz and 1GByte RAM at the moment), UUNET Germany (bandwidth) and Software AG (Adabas-D database). The server is a real beast. It's amazingly fast. The game is running since Sunday. At the moment, there are 2344 players, 183 of them have been active in the last 10 minutes. We are expecting a large increase in players as soon as national television reports about the game. The load is at 0.80, there are 123 processes, still 400MB RAM free (we plugged in 512 MB today, previously the box had 512MB). We will increase the maximum number of child processes if we get close to the current limit (100). Here's some data from the Apache status page: Server uptime: 4 hours 10 minutes 58 seconds Total accesses: 254671 - Total Traffic: 902.9 MB (!) CPU Usage: u27.68 s10.98 cu2.03 cs.63 - .274% CPU load 16.9 requests/sec - 61.4 kB/second - 3717 B/request 18 requests currently being processed, 14 idle servers Anyway, grab a browser and have a look. The project is a great success so far, and it couldn't have been done this easily and quickly without mod_perl and the other great free software out there. Thanks and enjoy! -Sven Neuhaus =cut