################################################### # WARNING: Do not edit this file! # If you do the changes will be lost! # Instead edit data.pl instead and re-run make.pl # # Don't forget to commit the changes to both .txt and the generated # .pod to cvs, since others won't run the local make.pl #################################################### =head1 NAME Apache-Test Development mailing list =head1 Description The B mailing list is for discussing I L project. Please read the mailing list L before posting. =head1 Subscription Information To subscribe or unsubscribe send an empty email to one of the following addresses. =over =item * subscribe to the list mailto:test-dev-subscribe@perl.apache.org =item * subscribe to the list's digest mailto:test-dev-subscribe-digest@perl.apache.org =item * unsubscribe from the list mailto:test-dev-unsubscribe@perl.apache.org =item * get help with the list mailto:test-dev-help@perl.apache.org =back =head1 Searchable Archives =over =item * www.apachelabs.org http://www.apachelabs.org/test-dev/ =item * marc.theaimsgroup.com http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=apache-modperl-test-dev =item * Mbox file http://perl.apache.org/mail/test-dev/ =back =cut