[###### first sub #####] [$sub txt$] *txt* *txt*

Here goes some normal html text

*txt* [$endsub$] [###### second sub #####] [$sub perl_code $] *perl_code* *perl_code* Here comes some perl: *perl_code* *perl_code* [- $foo = 'Hello world' -] *perl_code* *perl_code* foo = [+ $foo +]
*perl_code* testdata = [+ $testdata +]
*perl_code* [$endsub$] [###### main page #####]

Tests for Embperl - Embperl sub Metacommand

[- $testdata = 'abcd' -] Now we call the first sub via Execute: [- Execute ('#txt') -] And now the second via Execute: [- Execute ('#perl_code') -] Now we call the first sub via Perl: [- txt -] And now the second via Perl: [- perl_code -] -> Second time, other order: And now the second via Perl: [- perl_code -] Now we call the first sub via Perl: [- txt -] -> And Execute again, but other order And now the second via Execute: [- Execute ('#perl_code') -] Now we call the first sub via Execute: [- Execute ('#txt') -] And done!