^Please contact the server administrator,.*?and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
^\[\d+\]ERR: 32: Warning in Perl code: Unquoted string "qqqqqqqqqqqqqq" may clash with future reserved word at /usr/msrc/embperl/test/html/error.htm line 23. |
^\[\d+\]ERR: 32: Warning in Perl code: \(in cleanup\) syntax error at /usr/msrc/embperl/test/html/error.htm line 23, at EOF |
^\[\d+\]ERR: 32: Warning in Perl code: \(in cleanup\) syntax error at /usr/msrc/embperl/test/html/error.htm line 32, near "\+ \)" |
^\[\d+\]ERR: 32: Warning in Perl code: Bareword found where operator expected at /usr/msrc/embperl/test/html/error.htm line 46, near "\$error is" |
^\[\d+\]ERR: 32: Warning in Perl code: \(Missing operator before is\?\) |
^\[\d+\]ERR: 32: Warning in Perl code: \(in cleanup\) syntax error at /usr/msrc/embperl/test/html/error.htm line 46, near "\$error is here " |
^\[\d+\]ERR: 32: Warning in Perl code: \(in cleanup\) syntax error at /usr/msrc/embperl/test/html/error.htm line 59, near ";
}" |
^\[\d+\]ERR: 32: Warning in Perl code: \(in cleanup\) Missing right curly or square bracket at /usr/msrc/embperl/test/html/error.htm line 60, at end of line |
^\[\d+\]ERR: 24: Error in Perl code: Compilation error |