Von: Erik Arneson [erik@mind.net] Gesendet: Freitag, 7. Mai 1999 20:40 An: Gerald Richter Betreff: RE: Embperl mode for Emacs? I've attached the embperl.el file to this e-mail. It's ready for use, even if it's not the most beautiful piece of Emacs Lisp code in the world. It also isn't heavily tested -- it's not going to destroy anybody's files or anything, but it may have trouble doing some mode switching. In order to use it, one must stick the following in his .emacs file: (autoload 'embperl-minor-mode "embperl" "HTML::Embperl Mode" t) They also need to stick embperl.el somewhere in their load-path. I'm more than willing to take suggestions and help for this; please feel free to stick my name and e-mail address in a README file somewhere. The homepage for this bit of code is . I'll also make sure to keep you updated if anything changes. Thank you very much for including this! I think it'll make a lot of Embperl coders very happy. :) ----------------- By the way, I've discovered a much better solution for writing Embperl files in Emacs/XEmacs. Here's the amount of documentation I've got right now. They need to get mmm.el from this URL: Then download my mmm-embperl.el from this one: The documentation for using these is included in those two elisp files. This is a lot better in some respects than my embperl.el code, I think. -- # Erik Arneson erik@starseed.com Webring Software Engineer # # Yahoo! Inc. PGP ID: 2048/84413E19 (541) 482-3000x114 # # "There's such a fine line between stupid and clever." Spinal Tap #